There are several sections for reporting within Inzenius:
1. HR Reports (not included within this manual; outlined in ‘1.9.7 Inzenius HR Management Manual’)
2. Costing and Forecast Reports
3. Rostering Reports
4. Pay Run Controller Reports
5. Inzenius Standard Reports
This manual will guide you through generating each report readily available within Inzenius.
Costing and Forecast Reports
Inzenius offers the ability to include On Cost’s, Budget/Revenue, Running Totals, standard costing, and Forecast Labour in Reporting.
Costing Report Wizard
The Costing Report Wizard allows you to Report by Planned, Timekeeping, Authorised, or Paid Rosters for freeform dates without the need to generate Rosters in the Rostering screen.
The Wizard has been designed to incorporate Budget/Revenue figures (imported via the Inzenius Maintenance Assistant) to capture wage costs and compare them to daily, weekly, or monthly revenue. Running Totals can also be included to allow for a ‘live’ capture cost, as Rosters are put through the Planned > Timekeeping > Authorised process.
To open the Costing Report Wizard, select “Rostering” from the Labour Logistics Panel, and then double click “Costing Report” from the Rostering navigation bar.
Parameters such as Report dates, Roster types, and Running Totals can be selected in this tab.

Figure #1: Costing Report Wizard ‘Criteria’ Tab
Note: To report via “Paid” rosters the Pay Run must be committed.
Figure #2: Costing Report Wizard ‘Criteria’ Tab (Running Totals Selected)
Note: The “Forecast” and “Actual” options can be left blank should the Roster type not be selected.
The Wizard allows you to report by one, several or all Locations, Events or Cost Centres by ticking the appropriate selection.
Figure #3: Costing Report Wizard ‘Resources’ Tab
Note: Flag ‘Select Child Nodes’ to automatically select all Child Entities of the Parent Entity.
In this tab, either specific employees or all employees can be selected for inclusion in the Report.
Figure #4: Costing Report Wizard ‘Employees’ Tab
There are 5 Reports to select from (depending on parameters set in ‘Criteria’ and ‘Resources’); All Day Totals, Cost Centre Details, Location Details, Employee Details, or Event Details that are available for generation against the Roster type(s) selected.
Note: If “Include Running Totals?” is selected in the ‘Criteria’ tab, the ‘Select Roster Type’ will only include “Running Totals”. If the “Include Running Totals?” option is not selected in the ‘Criteria’ tab, the ‘Select Roster Type’ will appear as per the P/T/A/Paid options flagged.
Figure #5: Costing Report Wizard ‘Reports’ Tab
Prior to selecting a Report, the Roster Type (Planned, Timekeeping, Authorised, or Paid) should be selected, and if applicable, the “Include On Cost” option flagged.
Note: The inclusion of On Cost multipliers from Grades is only applicable to the Cost Centre, Location, and Event Details Reports. Other Reports will be unable to be selected if this option is flagged.
Note: In order for On Cost to calculate, the On Cost multiplier must be entered in respective Grades.
Figure #6: Costing Report Wizard ‘Reports’ Tab (Running Totals and Locations Selected)
The “Include Running Totals?” function has been designed to look for all Authorised Rosters based on the Date and Entity (Location, Cost Centre, or Event) selected. If Authorised Rosters are not present for an employee, Timekeeping Rosters will be included instead. Similarly, if no Authorised or Timekeeping Rosters are present for an employee, Planned Rosters will be included.
Note: When “Include Running Totals?” is flagged, the Details Reports available will be determined by the resources selected in the ‘Resources’ tab. As per Figure #6, only Locations have been selected in the ‘Resources’ tab, therefore the ‘Reports’ tab will only depict the ‘Location Details’ Report as able to be selected.
Once you have selected the appropriate Roster Type, select a Report to generate. Processing will be conducted automatically upon selection.
Note: All Reports run through the Wizard take some time to generate as the system requires time to process the calculations, with the exception of “Paid” Rosters, as these calculations have already been processed.
All Day Totals Report
The ‘All Day Totals’ Report, similar to when generated via Inzenius Standard Reports or the Pay Run Controller (Payroll module), provides a simplified breakdown of figures relating to a Committed Pay Run.
When generated in the Costing Report Wizard you are able to run the ‘All Day Totals’ for Planned or Timekeeping Rosters. This can be utilised for predicting Costing before a Pay Run is executed.
Figure #7: Costing Report Wizard All Day Totals Report
Note: When generating the ‘All Day Totals’ Report and the ‘Select Roster Type’ is either Planned, Timekeeping, or Authorised, the “Rounding Discrepancy” on the Report will be depicted as the “(B)+ALL-DED-PRF=Net” figure. This is because the data has not yet been processed via the Pay Run Controller.
Cost Centre Details Report
The ‘Cost Centre Details’ Report provides Gross Hours and Amounts for each Cost Centre selected. This Report is used in conjunction with the KPI Budget/Revenue interface to accurately portray Budget $, Budget %, and Revenue $.
Figure #8: Costing Report Wizard Cost Centre Details Report
Note: Gross Hours and Gross Amount are retrieved from the Roster screen. If “Include On Cost” is selected, the Gross Amount will be subject to the On Cost multiplier. Budget will reflect the Data Imported via the Budget Revenue Collector spreadsheet.
Location Details Report
The ‘Location Details’ Report provides Gross Hours and Amounts for each Location selected. This Report is used in conjunction with the KPI Budget/Revenue interface to accurately portray Budget $, Budget %, and Revenue $.
Figure #9: Costing Report Wizard Location Details Report
Note: Gross Hours and Gross Amount are retrieved from the Roster screen. If “Include On Cost” is selected, the Gross Amount will be subject to the On Cost multiplier. Budget will reflect the Data Imported via the Budget Revenue Collector spreadsheet.
Employee Details Report
The ‘Employee Details’ Report provides a Roster breakdown for employees or Skillset Rosters, inclusive of the date, type of Rate, Hours, Break information, and Amounts.
Figure #10: Costing Report Wizard Employee Details Report
Event Details Report
The ‘Event Details’ Report provides Gross Hours and Amounts for each Event selected. This Report is used in conjunction with the KPI Budget/Revenue interface to accurately portray Budget $, Budget %, and Revenue $.
Figure #11: Costing Report Wizard Event Details Report
Note: Gross Hours and Gross Amount are retrieved from the Roster screen. If “Include On Cost” is selected, the Gross Amount will be subject to the On Cost multiplier. Budget will reflect the Data Imported via the Budget Revenue Collector spreadsheet.
Forecast Labour Report
The ‘Forecast Labour Report’ provides detailed information (by Location or Cost Centre) on Labour $ and Labour % to Revenue $, for Actual and Forward Rosters.
This Report is used in conjunction with the KPI Budget/Revenue interface and will also depict Hours Rostered and Units.
To open the Forecast Labour Report, select “Rostering” from the Labour Logistics Panel, and then select “Forecast Labour Report” from the Rostering navigation bar.
Figure #12: Forecast Labour Report
Once you have flagged the appropriate “Report By” and selected a Pay Run Schedule (double click on the Pay Run Schedule), the Pay Run Periods will automatically populate with both Uncommitted and Committed displayed, in order of Pay Period.
Figure #13: Forecast Labour Report (Pay Run Schedule Selected)
Flag the appropriate Pay Run Period(s) and select the “Show Report” button to generate. This will prompt a save to location screen where you can select the required file location to be saved in Excel (.xls) format.
Once the Report has been saved, open it from the saved location. When Budget/Revenue figures have been imported for the specified period, further data will be populated accordingly.
Figure #14: Forecast Labour Report
Inzenius Rostering Reports
Reporting can also be conducted from the Rostering screen (if security permits this). Multiple Reports can be generated pertaining to Rostering, such as Engagement Costing, Timesheets, and Comparison Reports.
To open the Rostering screen, select “Rostering” from the Labour Logistics Panel, and then select “Rostering” from the Rostering navigation bar.
Note: Rosters must be retrieved in order to generate Reports within the Roster screen.
Note: In order to select the Reports within the Roster screen, security must be enabled to allow the User to do so.
Cost Engagements Report
The ‘Cost Engagements’ Report, which can also be generated in the Pay Run Controller (Payroll module), provides a breakdown of costs for employees and their respective Engagement/Shifts selected.
When generated in the Roster screen you have the ability to run the ‘Cost Engagements’ Report for Planned, Timekeeping, or Authorised Rosters.
To run the ‘Cost Engagements’ Report, select the button from the Roster navigation bar.
Figure #15: Rostering Cost Engagements
Note: The ‘Cost Engagements’ Report costs at a Roster level – thus, any Payroll Rules and Allowances/Deductions applied at the time of Pay Run execution (at the Payroll level) will not be costed.
Costing (By Location) Report
Costing by Location will depict the Rosters sorted and displayed by the Rostered Location. Each Location will provide a grand total, with the sub-totals for each employee – broken down by each Rate – subsequently depicted.
Figure #16: Cost Engagements Report (By Location)
Costing (By Cost Centre) Report
Costing by Cost Centre will depict the Rosters sorted and displayed by the Rostered Cost Centre. Each Cost Centre will provide a grand total, with the sub-totals for each employee – broken down by each Rate – subsequently depicted.
Figure #17: Cost Engagements Report (By Cost Centre)
Costing (By Event) Report
Costing by Event will depict the Rosters sorted and displayed by the Rostered Event. Each Event will provide a grand total, with the sub-totals for each employee – broken down by each Rate – subsequently depicted.
Figure #18: Cost Engagements Reports (By Event)
Costing (By Event & Location) Report
Costing by Event and Location will depict the Rosters sorted and displayed by the Rostered Event and Location. Each Event and Location will provide a grand total, with the sub-totals for each employee – broken down by each Rate – subsequently depicted.
Figure #19: Cost Engagements Report (By Event and Location)
Report Engagements
Further Reporting is available within the Roster screen, such as summary Reports, Timesheets, and Comparison Reports.
To run the Report Engagements, select the button from the Rostering navigation bar.
Figure #20: Rostering Report Engagements
Once you have selected the required Report, you will be prompted with further parameters to define (respective to each Report type).
Roster Summary Report
The ‘Roster Summary’ Report provides a summarised view of all rosters selected for the respective employees (based on parameters selected).
Figure #21: Report Engagements Roster Summary
You will be prompted with a message asking if you wish to use double spacing, altering the display of the Report. Double spacing simply allows additional room where, if printed off, the Report can be used to write comments or notes pertaining to each field.
Figure #22: Report Engagements Report Format
Figure #23: Roster Summary Report
Timesheet Report (By Employee & Location)
The ‘Timesheet (By Employee)’ and ‘Timesheet (By Location)’ Reports provide employee’s start and finish times, break start and finish times and also hours worked, task (if applicable), and the Location where work is performed.
The ‘Timesheet (By Employee)’ Report can be utilised to give individual employees a copy of their Rosters. Although similar, the ‘Timesheet (By Location)’ Report differs as it is utilised on a Location basis, not individual employee basis, and includes all employees assigned to the Location.
These Reports can both be generated from the Roster screen (via the Rostering module of the Labour Logistics Panel) or Inzenius Standard Reports.
Figure #24: Report Engagements Timesheet (By Employee)
Note: The ‘Timesheet (By Employee)’ and ‘Timesheet (By Location)’ parameters are the same.
You will be prompted with multiple messages asking if you wish to populate break times, use double spacing, or hide end times, altering the display of the Report.
Figure #25: Report Engagements Populate Break Times
Figure #26: Report Engagements Report Format
Figure #27: Report Engagements Report Format 2
Figure #28: Timesheet (By Employee)
Figure #29: Timesheet (By Location)
Roster Comparison Report
The ‘Roster Comparison’ Report provides a comparison between Planned, Timekeeping and Authorised Rosters.
Figure #30: Report Engagements Roster Comparison Report
You will be prompted with a message asking if you wish to use double spacing, altering the display of the Report. Double spacing simply allows additional room where, if printed off, the Report can be used to write comments or notes pertaining to each field.
Figure #31: Report Engagements Report Format
Figure #32: Roster Comparison Report
Roster Day by Day Report
The ‘Roster Day by Day’ Report provides a simplified daily breakdown of Rosters for each employee.
Figure #33: Report Engagements Roster Day By Day Report
You will be prompted with multiple messages asking if you wish to use double spacing or hide end times, altering the display of the Report.
Figure #34: Report Engagements Report Format
Figure #35: Report Engagements Report Format 2
Figure #36: Roster Day By Day Report
Roster Notes
The ‘Roster Notes’ Report provides a Report of all notes added to the Rosters for the period selected. It can be an easier way to sift through bulk employees’ notes without scrolling through the Roster screen.
Figure #37: Report Engagements Roster Notes Report
You will be prompted with a message asking if you wish to use double spacing, altering the display of the Report. Double spacing simply allows additional room where, if printed off, the Report can be used to write comments or notes pertaining to each field.
Figure #38: Report Engagements Report Format
Figure #39: Roster Notes Report
Actual Labour Report
The ‘Actual Labour Report’ is used for comparing forecasted labour hours with the actual labour hours from Planned, Timekeeping and/or Authorised Rosters for the parameters entered.
This Report can be generated from the Roster screen or Inzenius Standard Reports, and is utilised with KPI.
Figure #40: Report Engagements Actual Labour Report
Figure #41: Actual Labour Report
The ‘Actual Labour Report’ will provide a summary of the Actual Labour $ for each day, as well as Actual Labour %, Forecast Labour $, Forecast Labour %, Actual Revenue $, and Forecast Revenue $. The break down for each employee for the selected Entity is also displayed.
When Budget/Revenue figures have been imported for the specified period, data will populate accordingly in both the “Daily Labour to Revenue” and “Labour % to Revenue” tables, as well as each respective column.
Pay Run Controller Reports
Reporting can also be conducted from the Pay Run Controller (if security permits this). Multiple Reports can be generated pertaining to paid Rosters, such as All Day Totals, Costing, and Leave Liability reports.
To open the Pay Run Controller, select “Payroll Management” from the Labour Logistics Panel, and then select “Pay Run Controller” from the Payroll Management navigation bar. View a Pay Run to see the list of Pay Run Controller Reports.
Note: Reports can be generated for either Pending or Committed Pay Run data. Reports can only be generated for one Pay Run Schedule Period at a time. Multiple periods can be included in the same report, generated from Inzenius Standard Reports. Please be advised not all Pay Run Controller Reports are available within Inzenius Standard Reports.
Note: In order to select the Reports within the Pay Run Controller screen, security must be enabled to allow the User to do so.
All Day Totals Report
The ‘All Day Totals Report’ provides a simplified breakdown of figures relating to a Committed Pay Run. It is utilised for balancing purposes when committing a Pay Run (when generated in the Pay Run Controller) to ensure no rounding discrepancies occur.
Figure #42: All Day Totals Report
Note: This Report can be generated from the Pay Run Controller (when viewing a Pay Run) or Inzenius Standard Reports.
Costing History Report
The ‘Costing History’ provides a detailed or summarised Report by Location or Cost Centre, depicting total wages for each employee categorised by payment type.
Figure #43: Costing History Report
Costing Report
The ‘Costing Report’ provides a breakdown of payments made to an employee, and can be generated by Location, Cost Centre, Event, or Event and Location.
Figure #44: Costing History Report
Leave Liability Report
The ‘Leave Liability Report’ provides details on Leave balances and accrual/decrual amounts in each committed Pay Run, along with the respective employee’s years of service and total Leave liability to date.
This Report can be used to provide you with leave balances for financial provision purposes, it can also be saved to Excel and be used with leave weighing factors etc.
Figure #45: Leave Liability Report
Note: This Report can be generated from the Pay Run Controller (when viewing a Pay Run) or Inzenius Standard Reports.
Payroll Summary Report
The ‘Payroll Summary’ Report provides the gross, tax, net, allowances and deductions payable to an employee in the respective pay period selected. The Report is used as a checking mechanism when balancing pay-to-pay payroll and for end of financial year.
Figure #46: Payroll Summary Report
Note: This Report can be generated from the Pay Run Controller (when viewing a Pay Run) or Inzenius Standard Reports.
Pay Detail Report
The ‘Pay Detail Report’ displays an outline of the number of hours, the payment type being applied, the rate of each payment type, the respective Grade the payment type falls under, the date and time of each payment and a narrative explaining each payment.
Figure #47: Pay Detail Report
Note: This Report can be generated from the Pay Run Controller (when viewing a Pay Run) or Inzenius Standard Reports.
Pay Slip
The ‘Payslip’ depicts a preview of the Payslip for each successfully paid employee.
Figure #48: Payslip
Roster Hours Report
The ‘Roster Hours Report’ provides the number of hours an employee is Rostered, under the different payment types Base Rate, Non-Base Rate, Sick/Holiday etc. for the respective period selected.
Figure #49: Roster Hours Report
Note: This Report can be generated from the Pay Run Controller (when viewing a Pay Run) or Inzenius Standard Reports.
Allowance Report (Detailed/Summary) Snapshot
The Allowance Report (Detailed or Summary) can also be generated from the Pay Run Controller. This Report, when generated, will provide a snapshot of the Allowances processed for a particular period. To generate this Report, highlight a Pending or Committed Pay Run and select “Pay Run Summary” in the bottom navigation bar. Under ‘View Allowance Reports’ will be the option for both the Detailed and Summary Reports.
Figure #50: Allowance Report (Detailed) Snapshot
Figure #51: Allowance Report (Summary) Snapshot
Inzenius Standard Reports Navigation
There are a number of Reports available from within the Inzenius system. To access the following Reports, select ‘Reports’ from the top navigation bar.
Figure #52: Inzenius Labour Logistics ‘Reports’ Function Menu
Report Selection Screen
By selecting the down arrow in the Report Name field, a list of Standard Reports that are available within the system will be displayed.
Figure #53: Inzenius Standard Reports Report Selection
Pay Run Selection
For reports run against the Pay Run data, this is the Pay Run Selection Process:
Step 1:
Enter the Filter From / To Dates & whether you want these to filter “By” the Commit Date or Pay Period End Dates.
Then select which Pay Run type/s you want (Regular, Manual, Final, Termination, Rebank)
Once all required parameters have been input, click “Load Payruns” to retrieve the list of Pay Runs.
Step 2:
From the “PayRuns” in the left hand column, highlight the Pay Run(s) you wish to be included and using the single arrow button, move it over to “Selected PayRuns”. The highlighted Pay Run(s) will be moved to the right column.
You can select a single Pay Run, or multiple Pay Runs by holding down the SHIFT key and clicking the first and last Pay Run, then click the add single arrow button. Alternatively you can click each Pay Run, one at a time, and click the add single arrow button each time.
You can select ALL Pay Runs by clicking the double arrow add all button.
You can remove a single Pay Run, or multiple Pay Runs by holding down the SHIFT key and clicking the first and last Pay Run, then click the remove single arrow button. Alternatively you can click each Pay Run, one at a time, and click the remove single arrow button each time.
You can remove ALL Pay Runs by clicking the double arrow button.
Step 3:
Depending on the report selected, there may be “Select By” options – this will group / sort your report by the selected Entity
Step 4:
Once all the options have be configured, click on the “Show Report” button.
Employee Selection
For some reports it is possible to filter which Employee/s the report is run for. This is the Employee Selection Process:
Step 1:
Select your desired “Report By” option – All Employees or Selected Employee(s).
Step 2:
When “Selected Employees” is selected, you will be able to select one or more Employees for the report.
There are 2 ways to add employees to the Report List.
- Scroll through the list of Employees to find the Employee you want, then either double click on their row, or highlight and click the “Add To Report List” button.
- Enter a full or partial Employee Number, First Name or Last Name in the Filter boxes, and press the ENTER key. This will apply the filter to the Employee List. From here you can select the Employee you want, then either double click on their row, or highlight and click the “Add To Report List” button.
To remove all Employees from the Report List, click the “Remove All from Report List” button.
To remove one Employee from the Report List, scroll through the Employees in the Report list, highlight the Employee you wish to remove, then either double click on their row, click the “Remove From Report List” button.
Step 3:
Once all the required Employees have been added to the Report List, click the “Show Report” button.
Entity Selection
For some reports it is possible to filter which Entities the report is run for. This is the Entity Selection Process:
From the list of “Unselected” Locations, Cost Centres or Events, highlight the applicable selection, then either double click on their row, or click the Add single arrow button. This will move the selection to the “Selected” column.
To select all entities in the “Unselected” column, click the Add double arrow button.
To remove a selected entity from the “Selected” column, highlight the applicable selection, then either double click on their row, or click the Remove single arrow button.
To remove all entities in the “Selected” column, click the Remove double arrow button.
Once all required entities have been moved, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Roster Selection
Some reports are run against Roster data. This is the Roster Selection Process:
Step 1:
Select which entity you require from the “Roster By” drop down box, choosing from Cost Centre, Employee, Event, Grade, Location or Position.
Step 2:
Selecting Dates
- By Pay Run Schedule – If you wish to select Dates based on a Pay Run Schedule, select which Pay Run Schedule you require from the “Payrun Schedule” drop down box, then select the Pay Period from the “Pay Period” drop down box.
- By Period Type – If you wish to select dates by a set Period Type, select this type from Day, Week, Fortnight, 4Weekly, or Month, from the “Pay Period” drop down box, then select a From Date. The To date will update automatically based on your Period Type.
- By Dates – To select by any dates (within a 12 month period), ensure “Freeform” is selected in the “Pay Period” drop down box, then select the From / To Dates you require.
Step 3:
Select which Roster Types you require by flagging the boxes next to Planned, Timekeeping and Authorised.
Step 4:
Click the “Set” button to generate the entities list.
Step 5:
Select the entities required by flagging their corresponding boxes. To select all “children” of a “parent” entity, first flag the “Cascade” box, then select the Parent entity.
Step 6:
Once all parameters are configured, and entities selected, Click the “Show Report” button.
Retrieving Report Data
At times when generating Reports, you may find the “Retrieving Report Data” screen appear. It is important when this message is prompted that you do not click in the Inzenius Standard Reports screen. Doing so may cause the Report to cease generating.
Figure #54: Inzenius Standard Reports Retrieving Report Data
Report Preview
When the report has generated, you will be presented with the Report Preview Screen. Navigating the Report Preview Screen is Universal accross all reports.
Figure: Inzenius Reports Preview Screen
The top bar contains all of the Preview Screen’s naviation buttons.
Contents – If applicable to the report selected, a Contents List will show, allowing you to jump to specific pages in the report (eg Select a particular Employee, by clicking the Last Name).
Print – To access the Print Menu
Copy – Copy to the Clipboard
Find – To access the Find Menu
Single / Multi Page – To toggle between Single Page View or Multi Page View
Zoom – To change the Zoom percentage, or Zoom In or Out
Page Scroll – To scroll through the pages, or type the Page number to jump directly to that Page.
Back / Forward – To go Backwards or Forwards in your button click history.
Saving Reports
After each Report is generated, you will have the option to save the Report in one of multiple formats. The “Save Report Format” option is located in the bottom left-hand corner of the Report screen.
Figure #55: Inzenius Standard Reports Save Report Format
There are six types of exporting formats available:
– Excel Document (xls)
– HTML (html)
– Portable Document Format (pdf)
– Rich Text Format (rft)
– Active Reports Native Format (rdf)
– Mail Recipient as Attachment (pdf)
Note: The option “Mail Recipient as Attachment (pdf)” will only be available for clients who have configured the e-mail functionality in the ‘Email Setup’ tab of the Business Unit.
Inzenius Standard Reports
Actual Labour Report
The ‘Actual Labour Report’ is used for comparing forecasted labour hours with the actual labour hours from Planned, Timekeeping and/or Authorised Rosters for the parameters entered.
This Report can be generated from the Roster screen or Inzenius Standard Reports, and is typically utilised with KPI’s.
Figure #56: Inzenius Standard Reports Actual Labour Report
Roster Selection Process
When selecting “Show Report” you will be prompted to save the Report to a location. Once the Report has been saved, open it from the saved location.
Figure #57: Actual Labour Report
The ‘Actual Labour Report’ will provide a summary of the Actual Labour $ for each day, as well as Actual Labour %, Forecast Labour $, Forecast Labour %, Actual Revenue $, and Forecast Revenue $. The break down for each employee for the selected Entity is also displayed.
When Budget/Revenue figures have been imported for the specified period, data will populate accordingly in both the “Daily Labour to Revenue” and “Labour % to Revenue” tables, as well as each respective column.
All Day Totals Report
The ‘All Day Totals Report’ provides a simplified breakdown of figures relating to a Committed Pay Run. It is utilised for balancing purposes when committing a Pay Run (when generated in the Pay Run Controller) to ensure no rounding discrepancies occur. When generated via Inzenius Standard Reports it should be used to reference Committed Pay Runs.
This Report can be generated from the Pay Run Controller (when viewing a Pay Run) or Inzenius Standard Reports.
Figure #58: Inzenius Standard Reports, All Day Totals screen
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #59: All Day Totals Report
Allowance Report (Detailed)
The ‘Allowance Report (Detailed)’ provides a detailed account of all Allowances paid to employees, as well as total figures, for the specified period of the Report.
Figure #60: Inzenius Standard Reports Allowance Report (Detailed)
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, and the appropriate “Select By” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #61: Allowance Report (Detailed)
Allowance Report (Summary)
The ‘Allowance Report (Summary)’ provides a summarised account for all Allowances paid to employees, as well as total figures, for the specified period of the Report.
Figure #62: Inzenius Standard Reports Allowance Report (Summary)
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Select By” and “Report By All/Selected Employees” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #63: Allowance Report (Summary)
Cost Summary
The ‘Cost Summary Report’ provides a summary of the total cost set for the specified period of the Report. The displayed information includes Base Rate, Non-Base Rate, Manual Pay, Allowance, Termination, and Leave totals, as well as the total hours associated with the costs.
Figure #64: Inzenius Standard Reports Cost Summary
Pay Run Selection Process
Entity Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, and all required entities have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #65: Cost Summary Report
Deduction Report (Detailed)
The ‘Deduction Report (Detailed)’ provides a detailed account of all Deductions paid to employees, as well as total figures, for the specified period of the Report. This Report may be used to make payments to third parties e.g.: child support payments.
Figure #66: Inzenius Standard Reports Deduction Report (Detailed)
Pay Run Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, and the appropriate “Select By” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #67: Deduction Report (Detailed)
Deduction Report (Summary)
The ‘Deduction Report (Summary)’ provides a summarised account of all Deductions paid to employees, as well as total figures, for the specified period of the Report. This report may be used to make payments to third parties e.g.: child support payments.
Figure #68: Inzenius Standard Reports Deduction Report (Summary)
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Select By” and “Report By All/Selected Employees” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #69: Deduction Report (Summary)
Direct Credit Report (Detailed) & (Summary)
Both the ‘Direct Credit Report (Detailed)’ and ‘Direct Credit Report (Summary)’ provide a reflection of EFT files generated, including employee bank details along with the amounts deposited for the specified period of the Report.
Figure #70: Inzenius Standard Reports Direct Credit Report (Detailed)
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Select By” and “Report By All/Selected Employees” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
The ‘Direct Credit Report (Detailed)’ will display details not included in the Summary such as ‘Branch’ number, ‘BSB’ number and Account Name.
Figure #71: Direct Credit Report (Detailed)
The ‘Direct Credit Report (Summary)’ will display a summarised version of the Detailed, with the addition of a ‘Default’ column (when flagged, signifies the employee’s default bank account), and the ‘Date’ the payment was processed.
Figure #72: Direct Credit Report (Summary)
Employee Payroll Details Report (Detailed) & (Summary)
Both the ‘Employee Payroll Details Report (Detailed)’ and ‘Employee Payroll Details Report (Summary)’ provide Employee File information, encompassing all the relevant Grade details assigned to the employee including Standard Hours, Non-Base Rates, Unsociable Hours applicable, and Leave.
Figure #73: Inzenius Standard Reports Employee Payroll Details Report (Detailed)
Once the required employees have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
The ‘Employee Payroll Details Report (Detailed)’ will display details not included in the Summary such as Standard Hours, specific Non-Base Rates configuration, specific Unsociable Hours configuration, and Leave configuration.
Figure #74: Employee Payroll Details (Detailed)
The ‘Employee Payroll Details Report (Summary)’ will display a summarised version of the Detailed, and only for the Default Grade assigned to the employee.
Figure #75: Employee Payroll Details (Summary)
FBT (By Employee) Report
The ‘FBT (By Employee)’ Report assists with calculating FBT amounts on certain Allowances and Deductions, as well as reviewing FBT figures for previous Financial Years.
This Report works in conjunction with the ‘FBT Coefficients’ tab (Figure #76) located in the Business Unit Details screen (accessed via “Business Unit” in the Labour Logistics Panel). The FBT Coefficient configuration allows you to input the FBT amount to be calculated on both components (tax credits and no tax credits), which directly affect the ‘FBT (By Employee)’ Report. The FBT threshold per person and FBT tax rate to apply once this threshold is met can be entered here also.
Figure #76: Business Unit Details ‘FBT Coefficients’ Tab
Figure #77: Inzenius Standard Reports FBT (By Employee)
Once the required employees have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #78: FBT (By Employee) Report
Once the required employees have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #78: FBT (By Employee) Report
Hours Report (By Employee)
The ‘Hours Report (By Employee)’ provides the duration of an employee’s shift on a day-by-day basis. It includes Roster dates and total hours Rostered for each employee.
Figure #79: Inzenius Standard Reports, Hours Report (By Employee) screen
Roster Selection Process
Once the required Rosters have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
You will be prompted with a message asking if you wish to use double spacing, altering the display of the Report. Double spacing simply allows additional room where, if printed off, the Report can be used to write comments or notes pertaining to each field.
Figure #80: Hours Report (By Employee) – no double spacing
Leave Liability Report
The ‘Leave Liability Report’ provides details on Leave balances and accrual/decrual amounts in each committed Pay Run, along with the respective employee’s years of service and total Leave liability to date.
This Report can be used to provide you with leave balances for financial provision purposes, it can also be saved to Excel and be used with leave weighing factors etc.
Figure #81: Inzenius Standard Reports Leave Liability Report
Pay Run Selection Process
Select your sort preference with the “Order Leave Liability Report By” options.
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Note: You can exclude any Terminated Employees from the report by ticking the “Exclude Terminated Employees” box.
Figure #82: Leave Liability Report
Leave Liability Audit Report
The ‘Leave Liability Audit Report’ provides all movements for all Leaves assigned to an employee such as any Leave taken, the date the Leave was taken, the amount of Leave, the type of Leave, any Leave accrued, and the Pay Run details. The report will also depict if any manual adjustments have been made to the employee’s Leave balances, as well as the respective User whom made the alteration.
Figure #83: Inzenius Standard Reports Leave Liability Audit Report
Employee Selection Process
Once the required employees have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #84: Leave Liability Audit Report
On Cost Report
The ‘On Cost Report’ provides a breakdown of costs based on each cost element i.e., Tax, Non-Base Rate and Allowances.
Figure #85: Inzenius Standard Reports On Cost Report
Pay Run Selection Process
Entity Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs and Entities have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #86: On Cost Report
Pay Costing History Report
The ‘Pay Costing History Report’ provides the totals of each aspect of the employees’ Grade for the period followed by grand totals, i.e., Non-Base Rate total, Allowance total and Employer Extra Contribution, broken down into each Location, Cost Centre or Event.
Figure #87: Inzenius Standard Reports Pay Costing History Report
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
The “Show Costing History By” option will group and sum the Costing amounts by the Entity selected. “Detailed” will show employees & their totals, where “Summary” will only show the Entity’s Totals.
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Show Costing History By” option selected, and “Report By All/Selected Employees” are flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #88: Pay Costing History Report
Pay Detail Report
The ‘Pay Detail Report’ displays an outline of the number of hours, the payment type being applied, the rate of each payment type, the respective Grade the payment type falls under, the date and time of each payment and a narrative explaining each payment.
Figure #89: Inzenius Standard Reports Pay Detail Report
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, and “Report By All/Selected Employees” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #90: Pay Detail Report
PAYG Payment Summary
The ‘PAYG Payment Summary’ Report provides a breakdown of each employees YTD Earnings in the selected Financial Year. The Report is printed at end of financial year and given to employees. Details displayed in the ‘PAYG Payment Summary’ are included in the EMPDUPE file sent to the ATO.
Figure #91: Inzenius Standard Reports PAYG Payment Summary
Employee Selection Process
Once the Financial Year has been selected, information input, and required employees have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #92: PAYG Payment Summary
Note: The ‘Payer’s Name’ field of the report is set to reflect the Business Unit Name as a default, however a configuration flag is available to be applied to alter this to the Company Name of the Payrun Schedule upon request.
Payment Summaries
The ‘Payment Summaries’ Report provides a breakdown of payments made to employees in the respective Financial Year selected. The Report is utilised for balancing your financial year end in preparation for printing the ‘PAYG Payment Summaries’.
Note: It is imperative when running the ‘Payment Summaries’ Report that the User has permissions to access all Locations, Cost Centres, and Grades, as well as have no ‘Excluded’ employees. This Report is best generated by a User with Administrator access.
Figure #93: Inzenius Standard Reports Payment Summaries
Select the Financial Year, Sort By option and which Payrun Schedule to run the report for.
Employee Selection Process
Once the Financial Year has been selected, Pay Run Schedule and required employees have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #94: Payment Summaries
Payroll Journal Listing
The ‘Payroll Journal Listing’ Report provides a simplified breakdown of payments made to an employee for the respective pay period selected. It may be used to provide information to third parties such as Centrelink, child support, or financial institutions.
Figure #95: Inzenius Standard Reports Payroll Journal Listing
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Select By” and “Report By All/Selected Employees” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #96: Payroll Journal Listing
Payroll Summary
The ‘Payroll Summary’ Report provides the gross, tax, net, allowances and deductions payable to an employee in the respective pay period selected. The Report is used as a checking mechanism when balancing pay-to-pay payroll and for end of financial year. It can be generated either from the Pay Run Controller, located in the ‘Payroll Management’ module of the Labour Logistics Panel, or Inzenius Standard Reports.
Figure #97: Inzenius Standard Reports Payroll Summary
Once the required Pay Run(s) have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #98: Payroll Summary Report
Retirement Fund Contribution Report
The ‘Retirement Fund Contribution Report’ provides the separable gross payable for each employee and also the calculation of the employee’s superannuation. It also depicts any additional employer amounts or employee amounts paid in relation to superannuation.
Figure #99: Inzenius Standard Reports Retirement Fund Contribution Report
Once the required Pay Run(s) have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #100: Retirement Fund Contribution Report
Retirement Fund Statutory Payment Summary
The ‘Retirement Fund Statutory Payment Summary’ provides the amount payable to the respective employee’s Retirement Fund. This Report can be generated and provided to Employees as a record of Super payment(s) made.
Figure #101: Inzenius Standard Reports Retirement Fund Statutory Payment Summary
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Select By” and “Report By All/Selected Employees” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #102: Retirement Fund Statutory Payment Report
Retirement Fund Threshold Payment Summary
The ‘Retirement Fund Threshold Payment Summary’ provides the amount payable for an employee’s superannuation. It also depicts any additional employer amounts or employee amounts paid in relation to superannuation. It may be used to provide information to third parties such as retirement institutions.
This Report works with the superannuation threshold and therefore only reports on amounts where employees have earned enough superable gross to meet the threshold amount configured in the ‘Threshold’ tab of their assigned Grade.
Figure #103: Inzenius Standard Reports Retirement Fund Threshold Payment Summary
Pay Run Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column and the appropriate “Select By” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #104: Retirement Fund Threshold Payment Summary Report
Roster Hours Report
The ‘Roster Hours Report’ provides the number of hours an employee is Rostered, under the different payment types Base Rate, Non-Base Rate, Sick/Holiday etc. for the respective period selected.
Figure #105: Inzenius Standard Reports Roster Hours Report
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
The “Show Costing History By” option will group and sum the Hours by the Entity selected. “Detailed” will show employees & their totals, where “Summary” will only show the Entity’s Totals.
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Show Costing History By” option selected, and “Report By All/Selected Employees” are flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #106: Roster Hours Report
Roster Notes Report
The ‘Roster Notes Report’ provides all notes entered against employee’s Rosters for the respective period selected.
Figure #107: Inzenius Standard Reports Roster Notes Report
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Select By” and “Report By All/Selected Employees” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #108: Roster Notes Report
Roster Planned / Timekeeping / Authorised Comparison Report
The ‘Roster Planned / Timekeeping / Authorised Comparison Report’ highlights the key difference between Planned, Timekeeping and Authorised times for an employee. It includes comparisons between Start and Finish times, Break times, entity assignments and total hours rostered to each Roster type.
Figure #109: Inzenius Standard Reports Roster Planned / Timekeeping / Authorised Comparison Report
Roster Selection Process
Once all required parameters have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
You will be prompted with a message asking if you wish to use double spacing, altering the display of the Report. Double spacing simply allows additional room where, if printed off, the Report can be used to write comments or notes pertaining to each field.
Figure #110: Roster Planned / Timekeeping / Authorised Comparison Report
Roster Summary
The ‘Roster Summary’ Report provides employee’s Roster start and finish times, break total and also total hours worked. The Report may be used to investigate an employee’s Roster if there is an issue with a pay etc.
Figure #111: Inzenius Standard Reports Roster Summary
Roster Selection Process
Once required rosters are selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
You will be prompted with a message asking if you wish to use double spacing, altering the display of the Report. Double spacing simply allows additional room where, if printed off, the Report can be used to write comments or notes pertaining to each field.
Figure #112: Roster Summary Report
Tax Free Leave Loading Report
The ‘Tax Free Leave Loading Report’ provides the total amount of Leave Loading from employee’s taken Annual Leave whereby tax was not applied.
Note: The Tax-Free Leave Loading scheme was abolished in the end of June 2012 (however, some company agreements still use this). This Report should be utilised to review pay runs for previous financial years where the Tax-Free Leave Loading was in place.
Figure #113: Inzenius Standard Reports Tax Free Leave Loading Report
Pay Run Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #114: Tax Free Leave Loading Report
Tax Report (Detailed)
The ‘Tax Report (Detailed)’ provides Tax amounts paid for each employee and any Tax adjustments made, it also shows the year-to-date Tax paid for each employee for the respective period selected.
This report is utilised for balancing purposes at the end of financial year in preparation for printing ‘PAYG Payment Summaries’.
Figure #115: Inzenius Standard Reports Tax Report (Detailed)
Pay Run Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #116: Tax Report (Detailed)
Tax Report (Summary)
The ‘Tax Report (Summary)’ provides a summarised version of the ‘Tax Report (Detailed)’ depicting the Tax amount and date for the respective period selected.
Figure #117: Inzenius Standard Reports Tax Report (Summary)
Pay Run Selection Process
Employee Selection Process
Once all required Pay Runs have been moved to the “Selected PayRuns” column, the appropriate “Select By” and “Report By All/Selected Employees” flagged, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #118: Tax Report (Summary)
Timesheet (By Employee & By Location)
The ‘Timesheet (By Employee)’ and ‘Timesheet (By Location)’ Reports provide employee’s start and finish times, break start and finish times and also hours worked, task (if applicable) and Location where worked is performed.
This Report is frequently utilised in the absence of electronic timekeeping. Employees can be provided with the Timesheet to sign off when shifts have been completed and returned to their respective site managers.
Figure #119: Inzenius Standard Reports Timesheet (By Employee)
Roster Selection Process
You will be prompted with multiple messages asking if you wish to populate break times, use double spacing, or hide end times, altering the display of the Report.
Figure #120: Timesheet (By Employee)
Figure #121: Timesheet (By Location)
Year End PAYG Reconciliation Report
The ‘Year End PAYG Reconciliation Report’ provides all pay data required to balance the end of the financial year including Taxable Income, Allowances, Deductions, and Tax amounts.
Figure #122: Inzenius Standard Reports Year End PAYG Reconciliation Report
Employee Selection Process
Once the Financial Year, Pay Run Schedule, and required employees have been selected, select the “Show Report” button to generate.
Figure #123: Year End PAYG Reconciliation Report