The Inzenius Payroll Difference
The ability to satisfy the demanding requirements of Australian and New Zealand Award Interpretation rules is so complicated.
Payroll can be simplified with full automation from the approved days and times worked in the employee timesheets with Inzenius.
Some of the more complex award interpretation requirements you want your system to automate for you; Inzenius does.
- In shift or pay period overtime calculation automation.
- Cross-pay run or period overtime aggregation on selected overtime categories.
- Overtime calculations that are based on an outer boundary rule.
- Split shift allowance calculations.
- Separated pay conditions for an employee’s different worked shifts in one day.
- With overtime aggregation – split shifts.
- Without overtime aggregation – multi hire.
- Cost allocation to different jobs.
- For different events.
- Identified tasks performed.
- With productivity to task time and $ cost reporting.
- Non-standard worktime loadings with automatized aggregation between specified times and day types.
- With min and capped times paid across shift components.
- Modifiable selection of bank to leave and pay components in the timesheet.
- Allowance automation with the ability to manually select in the timesheet.
- Shift $ costing through the payroll award interpretation engine.
- Leave accrual based on Pay Run, Period or Time worked and even Banked Based on the working of a number of day types in a period automation.
- Delivery accuracy of leave balance based on the times worked.
- Non-standard worktime loadings with automatized aggregation between specified times and day types.
Automated leave balance deduction based on the normal day of rostered work.
- Leave payments automation based on selected leave days standard hours at leave $ rate.