Salaried Overtime requires efficient Award Interpretation in Payroll to include these payments.

Overtime for salaried employees is on its way with the draft determination by Fairwork to apply overtime and penalty loadings sometime soon. A penalty rate of 125% will be payable (and)The employer must keep records of all hours worked by an employee in excess of 38 per week, or worked before 6.00 am or after 10.00 pm on any day Monday to Saturday, or worked at any time on a Sunday or public holiday”. Simon Obee EL Legal.


Timekeeping and/or at least compliant timesheet sheet records are a must.

The ramification of this is currently for the employees under the professional services that are not designated as management include:
The need to keep times worked records for all hours in and out of the office.

The tracking of all times worked outside of 38 hours per week

The tracking and recording of time worked before 6.00 am or after 10.00 pm on any day

The tracking and recording of times worked on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday.

The award interpretation of all times worked outside of the standard 38 hrs Mon to Fri.

These times outside of the standard Mon to Fri will accrue a 25% pay loading on the employee base rate for the times worked in the above periods.

Keep timesheet records from all your employees that will qualify for these overtime penalties. The process of timekeeping or timesheets is a requirement and should be collated daily to avoid delays in payroll processing.

This may provide the template for all other industry-salaried employees.

What to do

Identify all non-managerial employees in the business that are not paid more than 25% over the appropriate level in the industry award.

Ensure in their contract that overtime and other work time loadings and penalties are included in their pay. This is also required under the Better Off Overall Test (BOOT) provisions.

Have salaried employees keep time records (timesheets) that have been authorised by the employer and accepted by the employee.

Support the above timekeeping data collection at any venue, preferably with the ability to tag times to jobs undertaken for productivity analysis; like below.

Automate the Award Interpretation of the payment for these employees based on the approved timesheet

Support the above with mobile or other device timekeeping tracking

Inzenius simplifies the management of these requirements.
