New Zealand Payroll


This manual navigates through the Inzenius Core Application changes as they pertain to New Zealand. This manual should be read in conjunction with the following sections of the Inzenius Web Library:

  • The Business Unit
  • Rostering
  • Payroll Management
  • Pay Run Controller
  • Reports

All 1.9.8 Inzenius Manuals are applicable to both Australia and New Zealand.

Summary of Sections

Differences from Australian configurations outlined in this manual include:

  • Buiness Unit
  • Employee Files
  • Rostering
  • Grades
  • Allowances
  • Deductions
  • Taxation Setup
  • Leaves
  • Pay Run Controller
  • Pay options
  • Final Pay
  • Reporting

Business Unit

This section highlights differentiations within the ‘The Business Unit’ section of the Inzenius Web Library.

Business Unit Details

The Business Unit Details are configured within the ‘Business Unit’ module. These include general information about the business, such as IRD Number, Address, Telephone, as well as the Payroll Account information.
There are minor differences in a New Zealand Database with respect to Business Unit Details.

General Information

Business Unit Details; General Information
Business Unit Details; General Information

There are 4 key differences in a New Zealand Database:

Field Summary of Field Australia Equivalent Notes
IRD Number The IRD Number associated with the business ABN
Controlling Country: New Zealand The country the business operates in; used for taxation purposes Pre-filled with “Australia” This should never be altered by the client.
Financial Year Day: 1 The Financial Year Start of the country the business operates in Pre-filled with “1 July” This should never be altered by the client.
Financial Year Month: April

Table #1: Business Unit ‘General Information’ Key


Business Unit Details ‘Account’ Tab; Suffix
Business Unit Details ‘Account’ Tab; Suffix

When adding a new payroll account in the ‘Account’ tab, there is an additional field in a New Zealand Database:

Field Summary of Field Notes
Bank Account Suffix The suffix represents the product/account type This is typically two (2) or three (3) digits

Table #2: Business Unit ‘Account’ Key


Business Unit Details ‘Configuration’ Tab; Payday Filing
Business Unit Details ‘Configuration’ Tab; Payday Filing

In New Zealand, the standard reporting method to IRD is via Payday Filing. The configuration option in a New Zealand Database enables the Payday Filing reporting button to be visible in the Pay Run Controller.

Field Summary of Field Australia Equivalent Notes
Enable Payday Filing Turns on the “Report Payday” button within the Pay Run Controller Enable Single Touch Payroll Leaving this unflagged will NOT prevent the client from reporting Payday Filing, rather the user will be required to launch the Inzenius Payday Filing Utility manually

Table #3: Business Unit ‘Configuration’ Key

Employee Files

Employee Files contain employee data used for numerous functions in Inzenius, including Rostering and Payroll.
There are a number of differences in a New Zealand Database with respect to Employee Files. Typically, these will only be noted and amended by HR and Payroll users.

Personal Details

Employee File ‘Personal Details’ Tab; Address State/Province
Employee File ‘Personal Details’ Tab; Address State/Province

Employee File ‘Personal Details’ Tab; Telephone Country Code
Employee File ‘Personal Details’ Tab; Telephone Country Code

The fields contained in the ‘Personal Details’ tab are configured by the client when importing and/or adding New Employees. The client is responsible for ensuring these fields are accurate:

Field Summary of Field Australia Equivalent Notes
State / Province Reflects the Country the employee lives in State This is required for Timekeeping purposes to ensure the time zone is accurately picked up. The “Province” the employee lives in should be entered in the “City” field
Country Code: 64 Depicts the Country Code used for international dialling “61” (Australia) This is not a required field for Telephones, though Inzenius recommends completing this field for data integrity purposes

Table #4: Employee File ‘Personal Details’ Key


Employee File ‘Banking’ Tab; Bank Account Suffix
Employee File ‘Banking’ Tab; Bank Account Suffix

Employee File ‘Retirement Fund’ Tab; KiwiSaver & ESCT
Employee File ‘Retirement Fund’ Tab; KiwiSaver & ESCT

The fields contained in the ‘Banking’ tab are configured by the client when importing and/or adding New Employees. The client is responsible for ensuring these fields are accurate:

Field Summary of Field Notes
Bank Account Suffix The suffix represents the product/account type This is typically two (2) or three (3) digits
KiwiSaver Fund This should be flagged if the Retirement Account entered is a KiwiSaver Fund KiwiSaver is a voluntary retirement savings scheme with varying rates (3%, 4%, 6%, 8%, or 10%)
KiwiSaver Status Denotes the employee’s status with KiwiSaver. See below for a summary of the KiwiSaver Status meanings This should be completed regardless if the Retirement Fund added is KiwiSaver or not
Employee Superannuation Contribution Tax Tax at Employees standard Tax Rate The ESCT calculated will be determined based on the assigned Tax Code (‘Tax’ tab of the Employee File)
Tax Super Contribution at a Flat Rate Select to calculate ESCT at the Flat Rate of either 33% or 39%
Tax based on employee previous year Taxable Income plus employer superannuation contribution Select to calculate ESCT based on the previous Financial Year Taxable Income This should only be selected if the employee has worked in the previous Financial Year
Tax based on an estimated taxable income plus employer superannuation contribution for the current year Select to calculate ESCT based on an estimated Taxable Income (and key in the estimated Taxable Income) Selecting this option will disregard the employee’s current Taxable Income and the Tax Code assigned when calculating ESCT

Table #5: Employee File ‘Banking’ Key

The KiwiSaver Status drop down depicts the following (Payday Filing):

Status Name Summary of Status
Auto-enrol (AE) When a new employee is not yet a KiwiSaver Member, but wishes to be
Active KiwiSaver member (AK) When a new employee is an Active KiwiSaver Member
Casual/temporary employee (CT) Applies to employees who are not subject to automatic enrolment due to being a casual/temporary employee
Not eligible for KiwiSaver (NK) When the employee is not eligible for KiwiSaver
Opting into KiwiSaver (OK) Where an existing employee is choosing to opt into KiwiSaver

Table #6: Employee File ‘KiwiSaver Status’ Key


Employee File ‘Standard Tax’ Tab; IRD Number & CS Code
Employee File ‘Standard Tax’ Tab; IRD Number & CS Code

Employee File ‘Extra Tax’ Tab; Tax Code
Employee File ‘Extra Tax’ Tab; Tax Code

The fields contained in the ‘Tax’ tab are configured by the client when adding and editing New Employees. The client is responsible for ensuring these fields are accurate:

Field Summary of Field Australian Equivalent Notes
IRD Number The IRD Number associated with the employee TFN
CS Code A single alpha character representing the type of Child Support payment. See below for a summary of the Child Support Code accepted values N/A to Australia This should only be completed if the employee pays Child Support
Tax Code The code associated with the type of Voluntary Student Loan Repayment N/A to Australia This is only applicable for employees electing to pay additional Student Loan repayments each Pay Frequency

Table #7: Employee File ‘Tax’ Key

The accepted Child Support Codes are as follows:

Child Support Code Summary of CS Code
C Ceased Employment
A Advanced Payment
P Protected Earnings
S Short Term Absence
D Deducted Previously
O Other

Table #8: Employee File ‘Child Support’ Key

Note: At the time of editing this manual (November, 2021) Payday Filing reporting of this field is optional, and Inzenius do not pass this information to IRD.

Extra Tax

Employee File ‘Extra Tax’ Tab
Employee File ‘Extra Tax’ Tab

When applying a Student Loan Tax Code (M SL, ME SL, S SL, SH SL, SB SL, ect.) the Extra Tax tab may also be completed to configure the any extra deductions for Student Loans correctly:

  • SLCIR which is a “Commissioner deduction” and is used for required additional student loan repayments. Inland Revenue Department (IRD) will advise you if additional deductions are to be made using SLCIR.
  • SLBOR which is a “Borrower deduction” and is used for voluntary additional student loan repayments. For SLBOR deductions, the employee will advise you if they wish to make additional payments to reduce their loan balance.
  • SLC Adjustment which is a Special Deduction Rate (SDR). This is a special Student Loan rate you will use and apply to the employee only if advised by the IRD.


Employee File ‘Leave’ Tab; ADP/RDP Setup
Employee File ‘Leave’ Tab; ADP/RDP Setup

The Average/Ordinary fields are used to calculate Annual Holiday Payments. When a New Employee is added, the client is responsible for flagging the check boxes against each type. When the employee is processed in a Pay Run, the Average and Ordinary values will automatically calculate. Below outlines the difference between Average and Ordinary fields.

Hourly Rate Weekly Earnings Avg. Hours per Week
Average The Average Hourly Rate calculated over 12 months (52 weeks) The Average Weekly Earnings calculated over 12 months (52 weeks) The Average Hours per Week calculated over 12 months (52 weeks)
Ordinary The Hourly Rate calculated over 4 weeks The Weekly Earnings calculated over 4 weeks The Hours per Week calculated over 4 weeks

Table #9: Employee File ‘Leave’ Key

Note: In New Zealand, an employee is not entitled to Annual Holidays unless they have been employed for 12 months or more. Where the client agrees for the employee to take Annual Holidays before the entitlement period has been reached, the client should process this as “Annual Leave Taken in Advance”. Annual Holidays taken before the entitlement period are calculated at the Average Weekly Earnings from Active Date to Pay Date.


This section highlights differentiations within the ‘Rostering’ section of the Inzenius Web Library.

Rostering Annual Leave

Using Annual Leave before Entitlement is Due

Where an employee has been employed by a company for <12 months, they are typically not entitled to take Annual Holidays. To ensure we correctly categorise Annual Leave Taken before the entitlement is due, Rostering Users should assign “Annual Leave Taken in Advance” (ALTIA). There is no Leave Balance associated with ALTIA, and therefore this puts the Total Balance into negative.

Leave Roster; Annual Leave Taken in Advance
Leave Roster; Annual Leave Taken in Advance

When the employee eventually leaves the company, during the Final Pay process the Total Balance for Annual Leave Taken in Advance will be deducted from the Leave Balance to be paid out.

Changing an Existing Roster Location to Annual Leave

When changing a Normal Location to Annual Leave; that is, a Leave Type with the option “Is Annual Leave” flagged is added to a Roster using the Location drop-down menu, the Start and Finish Times will be cleared.

Normal Roster; Before Location Change
Normal Roster; Before Location Change

Leave Roster; After Location Change
Leave Roster; After Location Change

Rostering Users will be required to key in the applicable Start and Finish Times. These should ideally correspond with either the Standard Hours per Day, or the Average Hours per Day. An employee taking Annual Leave will be deducted the number of hours Rostered from the Leave Balance, and will be paid according to the Payment Method assigned in the Grade.

Creating a Leave Roster by Average Hours per Day

If creating a Leave Roster from scratch; that is, the Rostering Parameter is set to the Leave Location and the User has selected “Add New Shift or Engagement”, to easily set the hours associated with the Leave Roster the “Roster by Avg. Hours Per Day” option can be selected.

Add New Shift or Engagement; “Roster by Avg. Hours Per Day” Option
Add New Shift or Engagement; “Roster by Avg. Hours Per Day” Option

When the Roster is created, it will use the ‘Average Hours per Day’ calculations from the Employee File (‘Leave’ tab).

Note: This option will only work for employees who have been employed >12 months, as ‘Average’ calculations are done across a 12-month period. Where this option is selected for an employee who has been employed <12 months, a Roster with blank Start and Finish Times will be created.

Payroll Management

This section highlights differentiations within the ‘Payroll Management’ section of the Inzenius Web Library.


Grades are typically configured to represent the working conditions and associated payments with each type of condition. The Default Grade is assigned to the Employee File, and is used in Rostering and Payroll to calculate payments based on the Rostered Days/Hours.
There are a number of differences in a New Zealand Database with respect to Grades. Typically, these will only be noted and amended by HR and Payroll users.

Grade Details

Grade ‘Grade Details’ Tab; Annual Holidays Loading Percentage & Loading to Gross Pay
Grade ‘Grade Details’ Tab; Annual Holidays Loading Percentage & Loading to Gross Pay

The fields contained in the ‘Grade Details’ tab are typically configured by Inzenius during implementation. Should the client need to add a New Grade, they are responsible for ensuring these fields are not flagged:

Field Summary of Field Notes
Annual Holidays Loading percentage Adds a loaded amount to any Annual Holidays taken These fields are no longer in use, and should not be added in any Grades
Apply this Loading to the Gross Pay The loaded amount associated with any Annual Holidays can be included in the Gross; if this is not flagged, loaded amount is not included

Table #10: Grade ‘Details’ Key

Rate Details

Grade ‘Rate Details’ Tab; Is Part of Gross
Grade ‘Rate Details’ Tab; Is Part of Gross

The “Is Part of Gross” option is frequently seen in different Grade tabs, and is typically configured by Inzenius during implementation. Should the client need to add a New Grade, this option should be flagged:

Field Summary of Field Notes
Is Part of Gross When flagged, ensures that any amounts processed at the Base Rate of Pay are included in Gross Earnings This should be flagged in ALL Grade Rates in use

Table #11: Grade ‘Rate Details’ Key

Leave Details

Grade (Salaried) ‘Leave Details’ Tab; Payment Method
Grade (Salaried) ‘Leave Details’ Tab; Payment Method

Grade (Permanent/Casual) ‘Leave Details’ Tab; Payment Method
Grade (Permanent/Casual) ‘Leave Details’ Tab; Payment Method

The ‘Leave Details’ tab Payment Methods associated with New Zealand are legislatively compliant, and are typically configured against each associated Leave by Inzenius during implementation. Should the client need to add a New Grade, the Payment Method used to process the Leave should be accurate to the type of Leave being processed:

Payment Method Name Associated Grade Types Summary of Method Notes
Leave Rate Salaried
Pays the Leave at a Multiplied value of the Hourly Base Rate of Pay E.g., If the Base Rate is $10.00/hr, a Multiplier of 1.5 would pay Leave at $15.00/hr
Greater of “Ordinary” Pay or “Average” Pay Salaried
Pays the Leave at the Hourly Rate associated with the greater of the “Ordinary” or “Average” Weekly Earnings Applies only to Annual Leave
See Employee File ‘Leave’ section for more information on calculations
Relevant Daily Pay (RDP) Salaried Pays the Leave at the Relevant Daily Pay (calculated based on the typical “daily” amount earnt) This is used for employees with regular rosters/earnings
Average Daily Pay (ADP) Permanent
Pays the Leave at the Average Daily Pay (calculated based on the “average” daily amount earnt) This is used for employees with irregular rosters/earnings
Pro-Rated Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) Salaried
Pays the Leave at the Pro-Rated Average Weekly Earnings (calculated based on the “average” weekly earnings Hourly Rate) Applies only to Annual Leave Taken in Advance
8% of Pay Period Gross Earnings Permanent
Pays the Leave at 8% of the total Gross Earnings for the Pay Period This is used for employees with irregular rosters/earnings
Requires wages to be processed for the Pay Period to have an 8% > $0 Rate

Table #12: Grade ‘Leave Details’ Key

Public Holidays

Grade (Salaried) ‘Public Holidays’ Tab; Relevant Daily Pay (RDP)
Grade (Salaried) ‘Public Holidays’ Tab; Relevant Daily Pay (RDP)

Grade (Permanent/Casual) ‘Public Holidays’ Tab; Average Daily Pay (ADP)
Grade (Permanent/Casual) ‘Public Holidays’ Tab; Average Daily Pay (ADP)

The ‘Public Holidays’ tab Payment Methods associated with New Zealand are legislatively compliant, and are typically configured against each associated group of Public Holidays (i.e., country wide & regional based) by Inzenius during implementation. Should the client need to add a New Grade, the Payment Method used to process the Public Holiday should be accurate:

Payment Method Name Associated Grade Types Summary of Method Notes
Relevant Daily Pay (RDP) Salaried Pays the Public Holiday at the Relevant Daily Pay (calculated based on the typical “daily” amount earnt) This is used for employees with regular rosters/earnings
Average Daily Pay (ADP) Permanent
Pays the Public Holiday at the Average Daily Pay (calculated based on the “average” daily amount earnt) This is used for employees with irregular rosters/earnings

Table #13: Grade ‘Public Holidays’ Key

Non Base Rates

Grade ‘Non Base Rate’ Tab; Is Part of Gross
Grade ‘Non Base Rate’ Tab; Is Part of Gross

The “Is Part of Gross” option is frequently seen in different Grade tabs, and is typically configured by Inzenius during implementation. Should the client need to add a New Grade, this option should be flagged:

Field Summary of Field Notes
Is Part of Gross When flagged, ensures that any amounts processed at the Non Base Rate (Shift or Time Period) are included in Gross Earnings This should be flagged in ALL Grade Rates in use

Table #14: Grade ‘Non Base Rates’ Key

Unsociable Hours

Grade ‘Unsociable Hours’ Tab; Is Part of Gross
Grade ‘Unsociable Hours’ Tab; Is Part of Gross

The “Is Part of Gross” option is frequently seen in different Grade tabs, and is typically configured by Inzenius during implementation. Should the client need to add a New Grade, this option should be flagged:

Field Summary of Field Notes
Is Part of Gross When flagged, ensures that any amounts processed at the Unsociable Hours Rate are included in Gross Earnings This should be flagged in ALL Grade Rates in use

Table #15: Grade ‘Unsociable Hours’ Key


Allowances are configured within the ‘Payroll Management’ module, and are used to process an array of additional payments to employees outside of the penalties encompassed in the Grade Rates.
There are minor differences in a New Zealand Database with respect to Allowance configuration.

Allowance Details; Is Part of Gross & Allowance Group
llowance Details; Is Part of Gross & Allowance Group

The “Is Part of Gross” option is frequently seen in rate configurations (as noted in Grades), and is typically configured for Allowances by Inzenius during implementation. Should the client need to add a New Allowance, this option should be flagged if the Allowance amounts contribute to the Gross Earnings.
The Allowance Groups are a key function of an Australian Database, however, in New Zealand these are not relevant and therefore should not be entered for any Allowances unless wishing to categorise the Allowance for reporting purposes.

Field Summary of Field Notes
Is Part of Gross When flagged, ensures that any amounts processed under the Allowance are included in Gross Earnings This should be flagged only where the Allowance should contribute to the Gross Earnings
Allowance Group Represents the categorisation of the Allowance and displays Allowances under the relevant Group Name in the Allowance Report (Detailed) and (Summary) Used in Australian Databases for STP purposes, this does not apply to New Zealand and should not be selected
Selecting an Allowance Group will not affect Payday Filing, though will categorise Allowances for reporting purposes

Table #16: Allowance Key


Deductions are configured within the ‘Payroll Management’ module, and are used to process an array of deductions from employee wages.
There are minor differences in a New Zealand Database with respect to Deduction configuration.

Deduction Details; Is Part of Gross, Deduction Group & Is Child Support
Deduction Details; Is Part of Gross, Deduction Group & Is Child Support

The “Is Part of Gross” option is frequently seen in rate configurations (as noted in Grades), and is typically configured for Deductions by Inzenius during implementation. Should the client need to add a New Deduction, this option should be flagged if the Deduction amounts contribute to the Gross Earnings.
The Deduction Groups are a key function of an Australian Database, however, in New Zealand these are not relevant and therefore should not be entered for any Deductions unless wishing to categorise the Deduction for reporting purposes.
The “Is Child Support” option is used to purposely categorise any deducted amounts under this Deduction as related to ‘Child Support’ for Payday Filing reporting. Typically, this is configured by Inzenius during implementation, however should the client need to add a New Deduction, this option should be flagged where the deducted amounts relate to Child Support.

Field Summary of Field Notes
Is Part of Gross When flagged, ensures that any amounts processed under the Deduction are included in Gross Earnings This should be flagged only where the Deduction should contribute to the Gross Earnings
Deduction Group Represents the categorisation of the Deduction and displays Deductions under the relevant Group Name in the Deduction Report (Detailed) and (Summary) Used in Australian Databases for STP purposes, this does not apply to New Zealand and should not be selected.
Selecting a Deduction Group will not affect Payday Filing, though will categorise Deductions for reporting purposes
Is Child Support When flagged, ensured that any amounts processed under the Deduction are categorised as “Child Support” payments in the Payday Filing reporting This should be flagged only where the Deduction relates to Child Support

Table #17: Deduction Key

Taxation Setup

The Taxation Setup is located within the ‘Payroll Management’ module, and is used to depict the applicable Tax Rates to New Zealand. Users can also use the “Calculation Test” function to pre-emptively calculate Tax and Net figures for a particular amount.

Note: Front-end users are not able to alter the Tax Rates in this section. Tax Updates are actioned at the end of the Financial Year (March/April) based on rate changes provided by Inland Revenue (IRD).

Taxation Setup; New Zealand Tax Codes
Taxation Setup; New Zealand Tax Codes


Leaves are configured within the ‘Payroll Management’ module, and are used to accrue leave entitlements. Leave Types will also exist for Unpaid Leaves to ascertain auditing history for employees.

Leave Setup Details; Is Annual Leave
Leave Setup Details; Is Annual Leave

The “Is Annual Leave” option is used to convey if the Leave configured relates to Annual Holiday entitlements and is linked to multiple payroll processing functions where Annual Holidays are treated differently from other Leaves. Typically, this is configured by Inzenius during implementation, however should the client need to add a New Leave, this option should be flagged if the Leave is related to Annual Holidays.

Field Summary of Field Notes
Is Annual Leave When flagged, ensures that:

  • In Grade ‘Leave Details’ tab, the Payment Method “Greater of “Ordinary” or “Average” option can only be selected against Leaves marked as “Is Annual Leave”
  • In Rostering, Leaves marked as “Is Annual Leave” will automatically derive the Start, Finish and thus Total Time from the Average Hours per Day
  • In Final Pay processing, Leaves marked as “Is Annual Leave” will apply the correct respective Annual Leave Payout methodology
This should be flagged only where the Leave is related to Annual Holidays

Table #18: Leave Key

Pay Run Controller

This section highlights differentiations within the ‘Pay Run Controller’ section of the Inzenius Web Library.

Pay Options

Within the Pay Run Controller, there are several differences in how payments are processed between a New Zealand and Australian Database.

Pay Run Controller Buttons

Pay Run Controller; Buttons
Pay Run Controller; Buttons

The two buttons highlighted represent the key differences in each country:

Field Summary of Field Australia Equivalent Notes
(Blank button space) N/A New/Edit ETP Employee Termination Payments are a key Australian payroll function for employees whom have ceased working. In New Zealand, all payments upon termination are processed via the Final Pay
Payday Filing Launches the Inzenius Payday Filing Utility to report payroll and employee data directly to IRD via Payday Filing Report STP

Table #19: Pay Run Controller Buttons Key

Pay Adjustment, Manual and rebank Pay, and Final Pay Adjustment Options

Pay Type ‘Gross Payments’ Tab; Is Part of Gross
Pay Type ‘Gross Payments’ Tab; Is Part of Gross

The “Is Part of Gross” option is frequently seen in rate configurations (as noted in Grades, Allowances, and Deductions). Should the client need to add a Gross Adjustment to any pay type (New/Edit Pay Adjustment, New/Edit Manual Pay, New/Edit Rebank Pay, or Edit Final Pay), this option should be flagged if the adjusted amounts contribute to the Gross Earnings.

Field Summary of Field Notes
Is Part of Gross When flagged, ensures that any amounts processed as a Gross Adjustment are included in Gross Earnings This should be flagged only where the Gross Adjustment should contribute to the Gross Earnings

Table #20: Gross Payments Key

Payment Reason ’Taxation’ Tab; SLC Adjustment
Payment Reason ’Taxation’ Tab; SLC Adjustment

Should an adjustment to an Employee’s Student Loan Component be required the ‘SLC Adjustment’ Payment Reason can be selected under the Taxation tab when creating a Manual Pay/Pay Adjustment.

Final Pay Processing

Final Pays are processed where an employee has ceased employment with the organisation. Australia and New Zealand legislation differ considerably with the entitlements due to be processed at the time of termination.
In New Zealand, Final Pays consist of a number of payments, dependent on whether the employee has been employed by the organisation for more or less than 12 months.
The below will outline the different types of payouts that are typically included in New Zealand and what payment methods are used to calculate these payouts.

Note: The list below is comprehensive of all types of entitlements that may be used by your organisation, however some of these may not apply. Please check with your payroll team for further information.

Payout Transaction Type Payment Method Notes
Alternative Leave LRS – Relevant Daily Pay (RDP) for Salaried Employees * Number of Days Accrued
– Average Daily Pay (ADP) for Permanent/Casual Employees * Number of Days Accrued
This applies only where an Alternative Leave balance exists
See Grade ‘Leave Details’ section for more information on calculations
Annual Leave Payout LRS Greater of “Ordinary” Pay or “Average Pay” * (Annual Leave Accruals from Active Date to Last Anniversary Date – (Leave Decruals from Active Date to Termination Date – Annual Leave Taken in Advance)) This applies only where the employee has been Active for >12 months
Requires Annual Leave Types + Annual Leave Taken in Advance to be selected on the ‘Leaves’ tab of the Final Pay screen
Annual Leave 8% Gross Earnings Payout LRS Gross Earnings since Last Anniversary * 8% This applies both to employees who have been Active <12 months and >12 months
Includes the Final Pay wages for Alternative Leaves, Other Leaves, Annual Leave Payout, and Public Holiday Payout
Public Holiday Payout PBS – Relevant Daily Pay (RDP) for Salaried Employees * Number of Days Applicable^
– Average Daily Pay (ADP) for Permanent/Casual Employees * Number of Days Applicable^
^ = Termination Date is extended by the Annual Leave balance (in days), where the Extended Termination Date crosses over a configured Public Holiday, the employee is entitled to be paid for the Public Holiday
Redundancy Pay ADJ Amounts entered for Redundancy are processed via the Edit Final Pay Gross Adjustment using the Narrative “Redundancy”
Tax calculations for Redundancy Payments are processed separate from the Final Leave Payouts
Other Leaves LRS Per the Payment Method assigned in the Grade ‘Leave Details’ Tab Other Leaves to be paid out is at the discretion of the client

Table #21: Final Payouts Key


This section highlights differentiations within the ‘1.9.7 Inzenius Reports Manual’.

Standard Reports

Monthly Schedule Report (IR348)

Inzenius Standard Reports; Monthly Schedule Report (IR348)
Inzenius Standard Reports; Monthly Schedule Report (IR348)

The IR348 Monthly Schedule Report contains employment information for employees paid in one or more particular Pay Periods. This report was used for paper filing prior to the introduction of Payday Filing.
This report can be used to obtain information about data reported in Payday Filing, however is superseded by the Payday Filing Employment Information Excel report, generated from the Inzenius Payday Filing Utility.

Monthly Schedule Report (IR349)

Inzenius Standard Reports; Monthly Schedule Report (IR349)
Inzenius Standard Reports; Monthly Schedule Report (IR349)

Like the IR348, the IR349 Monthly Schedule Report contains employment information for employees paid in one or more particular Pay Periods. This report was used predominantly where the number of employees exceeded the limitations of the IR348, and was used for paper filing prior to the introduction of Payday Filing.
This report can be used to obtain information about data reported in Payday Filing, however is superseded by the Payday Filing Employment Information Excel report, generated from the Inzenius Payday Filing Utility.

Remittence Certificate Report (IR345)

Inzenius Standard Reports; Remittance Certificate Report (IR345)Inzenius Standard Reports; Remittance Certificate Report (IR345)
Figure #32: Inzenius Standard Reports; Remittance Certificate Report (IR345)

The IR345 Remittance Certificate Report contains employer deductions for employees processed in one or more particular Pay Periods. This report was used for paper filing prior to the introduction of Payday Filing.
This report can be used to obtain information about employer deductions reported in Payday Filing, however is superseded by the Payday Filing Employment Information Excel report, generated from the Inzenius Payday Filing Utility.