HR Management
The HR Management module of Inzenius has been designed to assist Human Resources departments with Reporting specific to employee details and payroll information.
In this module, HR Fields can be configured for use in Employee Files, Appraisals can be managed, and HR Reports can be generated based on specific filters.
HR Fields
Employee HR Fields are custom designed fields that are displayed within the ‘HR Fields’ tab of the Employee File, displayed in two columns. The HR Fields section is where configured HR Fields can be added to Employee Files.
Figure #1: Employee File ‘HR Fields’ Tab
When assigning HR Fields, use the arrows to assign the HR Field to the first or second column.
Figure #2: HR Management HR Fields
Note: If there is a HR Field not yet created that you wish to display, follow the instructions under ‘User Definable Fields’ to create a new HR Field and revert back to these steps to assign to the Employee File.
User Definable Fields
The User Definable Fields section is where HR Fields can be created and customised. There are multiple types of HR Fields, such as numeric fields, date fields, multi-select fields, and drop-down menus. HR Fields can be made mandatory, requiring the field to be completed in order to save the Employee File.
Figure #3: HR Management User Definable Fields
HR Reports
HR Reports provides Users with access to a dozen Reports focused around the Employee File information. Each Report allows for multi-dimensional analysis of the business to effectively manage employees. The HR Reporting functionality within Inzenius includes multifaceted and comprehensive filtering. In addition to the pre-defined HR Reports available, filtered employees can be exported to Excel, which includes generic Employee File data.
The list of Reports are as follows:
- Birthday Letter Report
- Employee Accreditations Reports
- Employee Annual Appraisals Reports
- Employee Detail Report
- Employee Human Resource Report
- Employee Listing Report
- Employee Listing with Hours Report
- Employee Listing Years of Service Report
- Employee Listing with Service Length Report
- Employees By Active Date Report
- Employee Terminations Report
- Employee Visa Report
These Reports will be described in detail further throughout in this manual.
Filter Parameters
Details & Address Parameters
Figure #18: HR Reports ‘Details & Address’ Tab
After parameters have been entered, select the “Append to Queue” button to add a list of employees meeting the filtered criteria to the Search Queue. Each time this button is selected, new employees meeting the search criteria will be added to the Search Queue.
If you wish to make alterations to the filters and refresh the list of employees in the Search Queue, select the “Replace Queue” button. Each time this button is selected, only employees meeting all search criteria will be included in the Search Queue, replacing the existing list of filtered employees.
Should you wish to remove all employees from the Search Queue, select the “Clear Queue” button. Each time this button is selected, all employees will be removed from the Search Queue.
Should you wish to remove all filtering options from each tab, select the “Clear All Criteria” button. Each time this button is selected, all filtering options in each tab will be removed and appear blank.
When employees have been added to the Search Queue, a count of the employees who have matched your filtering options will be displayed.
Position Parameters
The ‘Position’ tab allows for further appending and filtering based on Cost Centres, Locations and Positions respective to the employees’ assigned data (see ‘Inzenius Business Unit Manual’).
Figure #19: HR Reports ‘Position’ Tab
Note: The ‘HR Tracking Data’ tab is currently under works.
Qualifications Parameters
The ‘Qualifications’ tab provides the option of filtering based on the employees’ qualification(s). These qualifications are assigned to the employee in their Employee File.
Figure #20: HR Reports ‘Qualifications’ Tab
Note: Employees who have at least one of the selected Qualifications will be included in and added to the Search Queue.
Payroll Parameters
The ‘Payroll’ tab provides options for filtering based on employee Payroll details, specifically the Grade, Employment Type, and Default Grade Type the employee is assigned to.
Figure #21: HR Reports ‘Payroll’ Tab
Search Log Parameters
The ‘Search Log’ tab provides Users with a list of all criteria appended to the Search Queue and the number of records resulting from each search option.
Figure #22: HR Reports ‘Search Log’ Tab
Generating Reports
Select from the drop-down menu alongside “Reports” the Report you wish to generate.
Figure #23: HR Reports; Report Selection
Printing Reports
By selecting “Print”, you can print directly without the need to generate and open the Report.
Saving Reports as PDF or Excel format
By selecting “Preview”, the report will be generated and displayed on screen. From this screen you are able to review the Report details and print or utilise the drop-down menu to save to a particular format or email as an attachment accordingly.
Figure #24: HR Report; Save Report Format
Note: The option “Mail Recipient as Attachment (pdf)” will only be available for clients who have configured the e-mail functionality in the ‘Email Setup’ tab of the Business Unit.
Once the required format has been selected (if choosing to save Report), select the “Save Report” button to save the file to the desired location.
Exporting the Search Queue Data
By selecting “Export”, you will be prompted with a save to location screen where the file will be saved in .CSV format. The Export option will simply export all data included within the Search Queue, not the selected Report.
Report List with Examples
Birthday Letter Report
The HR Report ‘Birthday Letter Report’ allows Users to send their employees a birthday letter containing custom messages.
Figure #25: Birthday Letter Report
Employee Accreditations Report
The HR Report ‘Employee Accreditations Report’ provides information based on Qualifications assigned to an employee and the date they were issued.
This report is frequently utilised to view a detailed list of each employee (influenced by selection parameters) and the Qualifications assigned as a way to gauge when the Qualification may be due to be renewed (if applicable) or view employees applicable to work certain jobs.
Figure #26: Employee Accreditations Report
Employee Annual Appraisals Report
The HR Report ‘Employee Annual Appraisals Report’ provides information on the status of appraisals, actioned dates, due dates and appraisal types. This information is reflective of the Employee File.
Figure #27: Employee Annual Appraisals Report
Employee Detail Report
The HR Report ‘Employee Detail Report’ provides a complete detail of the selected employee(s) with a full range of information being displayed, from payroll to leave entitlements, as well as personal details and qualifications.
Figure #28: Employee Detail Report
Employee Human Resources Report
The Employee Human Resources Report contains EmployeeID, Employee Number, Last Name, First Name, Date Of Birth, Age, Sex, Custom HR Fields, Visa & Visa Expiry,
When selecting to Print or Preview this Report you will be prompted to save the Report to a location.
Figure #29: Save Report to location screen
After the file location has been selected and the Report saved, an “Export Complete” screen will be prompted, requesting if you wish to open the file.
Figure #30: Export Complete screen
Selecting “Yes” will open the Report in Excel.
Figure #31: Employee Human Resources Report
Employee Listing Report
The HR Report ‘Employee Listing Report’ provides a list of all employees selected with their contact details and positions.
Figure #32: Employee Listing Report
Employee Listing with Hours Report
The HR Report ‘Employee Listing with Hours Report’ provides employee payroll details alongside their total hours worked in the last 12 months for the selected Roster type.
Figure #33: Employee Listing with Hours Report
Employee Listing Years of Service Report
The HR Report ‘Employee listing Years of Service Report’ will provide employees start dates and the average hours as at the end of the month.
Figure #34: Employee Listing with Years of Service Report
Employee Listing with Service Length Report
The HR Report ‘Employee Listing with Service Length Report’ will display employee details including the length of time the employee has worked for based on milestones, e.g.: <2yrs, >5yrs etc.
Figure #35: Employee Listing with Service Length Report
Employees By Active Date Report
The HR Report ‘Employees By Active Date Report’ provides the list of appended employees along with their payroll details and dates of commencement.
Figure #36: Employee By Active Date Report
Employee Terminations Report
The HR Report ‘Employee Terminations Report’ provides the list of appended employees along with their payroll details and termination date/reason.
Figure #37: Employee Terminations Report
Employee Visa Report
The HR Report ‘Employee Visa Report’ provides from the list of appended employees, those that have Visas, their payroll details and visa expiry date.
Figure #38: Employee Visa Report
Appraisal Management
Employee File ‘Appraisals’ Recap
To use the Appraisal Management, you need to attach appraisal(s) to employees. Once employees have Appraisals attached to them you can use the system to track employees’ Appraisals either in bulk or individually.
As documented under ‘Employee Appraisals’ in the ‘Inzenius Business Unit Manual’, the ‘Appraisals’ tab of the Employee File allows the HR Manager to setup and determine evaluation dates for individual employees.
Figure #4: Employee File ‘Appraisals’ Tab
All available appraisal options are configurable to suit the current evaluation needs.
Figure #5: Employee File ‘Appraisal Selection’ (‘Appraisals’ Tab)
You can then change anything about the Appraisal itself, dates attached to it, or the name of the reviewer (person in charge of the Appraisal). It also allows you to cancel the Appraisal or complete the Appraisal by selecting the appropriate buttons.
Appraisal Manager
Once Appraisals have been attached to employees you can then use the system to monitor who is due for their Appraisals by using the Appraisal Management facility. Users can use the parameters to do a search for when employee’s Appraisals are due and due to be followed through.
Figure #6: Appraisal Manager
Begin by entering the Appraisal Search information. Either flag ‘Chase Date’ or ‘Due Date’ and insert the dates you wish to search over, then select the “Set” button to display the list of appraisal parameters that have been filtered as per your search criteria.
Figure #7: Appraisal Manager; Set Appraisal Search
Flag the appropriate reviewer from the list of “Reviewer(s)”, and (if applicable) the “Appraisal Definition(s)”, under ‘Sel’. Once you have selected criteria, flag the “Get” button to display the list of Appraisals that have been filtered as per your selected criteria.
Note: If only one reviewer appears in the “Reviewer(s)” selection criteria, it is not required that they be flagged under ‘Sel’. Simply click “Get” and all appraisals relating to that reviewer will be displayed.
Note: It is not required that a selection be made under “Appraisal Definition(s)” unless you wish to filter the appraisals further by displaying a certain type e.g.: ‘3 Month Probation Review’.
Figure #8: Appraisal Manager; Get Appraisal Reviewer(s)
Flag the employees you wish to action in the grid by flagging ‘Sel’. From there you can choose to either mark the Appraisal as “Send Out”, “Receive Back” or “Export for Mail Merge” (this functionality allows you to do bulk actions for send outs and receive backs) from the “Action” drop down list.
Figure #9: Appraisal Manager, Actions
If you wish to send out the appraisal to the reviewer, select the “Send Out” action and click “Execute”, and you will be prompted to confirm if you wish to ‘Stamp the Sent Out date for the selected Appraisals with todays date’.
Figure #10: Appraisal Manager; Send Out
If you wish to confirm, select “Yes” on the “Send Out” screen. The selected Appraisals will then be stamped with the current date under the ‘Sent Out’ column.
Figure #11: Appraisal Manager; Appraisals Sent Out
If you wish to receive the Appraisal back, select the “Receive Back” action and click “Execute”, and you will be prompted to confirm if you wish to ‘Stamp the Receive Back date for the selected Appraisals with todays date’.
Figure #12: Appraisal Manager; Receive Back
If you wish to confirm, select “Yes” on the “Receive Back” screen. The selected Appraisals will then be stamped with the current date under the ‘Rcvd Back’ column.
Figure #13: Appraisal Manager; Appraisals Received Back
Appraisal Completion
To complete the employee’s Appraisal, navigate to the ‘Appraisals’ tab of the Employee File for the employee you wish to complete.
Figure #14: Employee File ‘Appraisals’ Tab
By selecting “Edit Setup”, all Appraisal options are configurable to suit the current evaluation needs.
Figure #15: Employee File Appraisal Selection (‘Appraisals’ Tab)
To complete an Appraisal, highlight an Appraisal Name from the ‘Available Appraisal Definitions’ and select “Complete Appraisal” button.
You will be prompted to confirm if you wish to mark the Appraisal as completed. Marking the Appraisal as completed will commit the Appraisal to history and roll the dates forward for the next Appraisal for the employee.
Figure #16: Appraisal Selection; Mark Appraisal Instance as Completed screen
If you wish to confirm, select “Yes” on the “Mark Appraisal Instance as Completed” screen. The selected Appraisals will then be stamped with the current date.
To save the changes ensure that you select the “Ok” button on the “Appraisal Selection” screen (only do this once all the changes are input, as it will take you out of the record). To save changes to the Employee File, simply click “Apply” (this will keep the screen open allowing the User to double check the details are correct), or “Ok” to save and exit.
To view Appraisals marked with a status of ‘Completed’, navigate to the “Appraisal History” radio button where a list of the Appraisal history is present.
Figure #17: Employee File Appraisal History (‘Appraisals’ Tab)
Note: The above process (date stamping of send outs and received backs) can also be done at employee level (refer to the General Training Manual for more information).