The Business Unit


The Business Unit module of Inzenius contains the backbone of employee configuration. This includes Employee Files, Entities (such as Location, Cost Centre, and Position), Qualifications, and more. Additionally, information about the organisation and contact details are stored here.

Navigation & System Overview

Labour Logistics Panel

The Labour Logistics Panel is found on the left-hand side of the application, and allows the User to navigate through Inzenius.

Figure #1: Labour Logistics Panel

These selection options are also available under the ‘Function Groups’ tab found in the navigation bar.

Figure #2: Navigation Bar Function Groups

Business Unit

Utilised for setting up, viewing and editing; the Company profile, Employee details, Cost Centre details, Location details, Events, Position description of employees, Task description of employees, the Qualifications of employees and Assets which can be assigned to employees.


Utilised for setting up, editing and viewing; Financial Institutions used for employee Bank details, Retirement Funds used for employee Super Fund details, Vendor details, Owner, Distributors, Licences fee(s), and Supplier details.

HR Management

Utilised for HR purposes including, HR Fields used for adding customisable information into Employee Files, User Definable Fields used for creating HR Fields, HR Reports used for generating HRM specific Reports and Appraisal Management used for managing employee appraisals.

Payroll Management

Utilised for configuring the Pay Run Schedules, Employee Grades, Allowances, Deductions, Payroll Rules, Taxation Setup, Leave types, Work Periods, Holiday Periods, Timekeeping Setup and Standard Days Off, as well as the execution of Pay Runs.


Utilised for configuring States in which employees, Grades, Locations and Events are to be assigned to, Units used for configuring Roster based Units, Countries, Languages, Titles, List Items, and A/D Units used for Allowances and Deductions.


Utilised for setting employee Work Time, Timekeeping, Appending and Prepending Rosters to the Web Kiosk, Forecasting costs based on Planned Rosters, Authorising employee hours worked, and producing Costing Report based on Rosters.


Utilised for setting up Employee Portal and Web Kiosk User accounts, Roles of staff members whom use Inzenius, and the level of access which a User has in Inzenius.


Tabs refer to the separate screens within an Inzenius window.

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons refer to the circular buttons within Inzenius tabs/windows that toggle to different views.

Drop-down Menu

Drop-down menus refer to hard-coded and/or customisable list items that can be selected from within a drop-down menu.

Screen Option Selection Buttons

The “Apply” Button will save any changes made but will allow to continue to view the screen
The “Cancel” Button will not save any changes made to the screen and exit accordingly
The “Ok” Button will save any changes made and close the screen

Ellipsis Menu

In some areas you will notice a button to select ( ). This ellipsis menu allows you to set up new configuration without having to exit the screen you are currently in.

Refresh Function

To ensure that changes you have made to the system flow through to the navigation bar, you will notice a refresh option when right-clicking sub-folders in the Labour Logistics Panel. This simply allows you to see any changes or creations that you made in the navigation bar.
There is also a refresh button ( ), which will be present in certain screens where information can be readily refreshed.

Copy Function

The system has a copy and paste facility that allows Entities to be copied. Right-click the Entity and select “Copy”. This will duplicate the Entity, with the new Entity inheriting most of the copied Entities features.

Note: Certain Entities cannot be copied. Further, when copying Employee Files, personal (sensitive) data is not copied to the new Employee File.

Quick List Views

The Quick List View provides a list of all current and past data based on the sub-folder selected e.g.: Employees. Right click on the applicable sub-folder in the Labour Logistics Panel and select “View Details List _____”.

Figure #3: Employee Quick List View (QLV)

Data can be filtered using column filters or by typing in the search facility. Data can also be exported to an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the Excel button ( ). Selecting the “Show All” button will remove all filtering and display a list of all Entities. Data can also be accessed quickly by double clicking on the item in the list. This will open the relevant configuration/file.
It is also possible to do a search by using the starts with filter option .
When using this option all matches in the system that start with the same prefix that you have input as your search option.

Business Unit

The Business Unit contains all relevant Business details, and is typically configured during implementation. Clients should ensure that Business Unit details are always kept up to date, as some fields are utilised in reporting.


Figure #4: Business Unit Details

Retirement Fund Ceiling Amount

The Retirement Fund Ceiling Amount is where the Maximum Super Contribution Base is configured. See the ATO’s Maximum Super Contribution Base for more information.


Figure #5: Business Unit ‘Address’ Tab


Figure #6: Business Unit ‘Telephone’ Tab


Figure #7: Business Unit ‘Account’ Tab

Note: Multiple accounts can be added and in use.

Allowance Setup

Figure #8: Business Unit ‘Allowance Setup’ Tab

Note: Allowances not assigned to Grades should be assigned to the Business Unit in order to be assigned to Employee Files. Allowances assigned to Grades are automatically assigned to relevant Employee Files.

Deduction Setup

Figure #9: Business Unit ‘Deduction Setup’ Tab

Note: Deductions not assigned to Grades should be assigned to the Business Unit in order to be assigned to Employee Files. Deductions assigned to Grades are automatically assigned to relevant Employee Files.


Figure #10: Business Unit ‘Pay Slip Config’ Tab

Note: “Enable STP” should only be selected where STP within Inzenius is being utilised.

FBT Coefficients

Note: This screen functionality is not in use, and due to be removed. Figures entered in this screen are for visual purposes only.

Reset End of Year

Figure #11: Business Unit ‘Reset End of Year’ Tab

Note: This tab is referenced in the Year End Balancing, and is only utilised to reset the end of the financial year. Buttons should not be pushed otherwise.

Payroll Tax

Note: This screen functionality is for visual purposes only. All Payroll Tax figures for each State are loaded via the back-end upon request.

Email Setup

Figure #12: Business Unit ‘Email Setup’ Tab
Figure #12: Business Unit ‘Email Setup’ Tab

Employer Services

Employer Services allows employers to provide and track services to employees, such as accommodation, pooled car and childcare placement.

Figure #13: Employer Service Setup screen

Note: Employer Services that are bolded have employees attached to them.

Cost Centres

Cost Centres are utilised as an efficient way to trap costs on a larger scale.

Figure #14: Cost Centre Setup

Note: Cost Centres that are bolded have employees attached to them. To view a list of these employees, select the “View Employees” button.


Locations are utilised to depict the specific department where employees will be Rostered to (where the employee will be working), also as a way to further trap costs on a smaller scale.

Figure #15: Location Setup

Note: The State/Territory selected can affect Payroll processing and some Reporting, therefore should be assigned correctly.

Note: Locations that are bolded have employees attached to them. To view a list of these employees, select the “View Employees” button.


Events can be setup as an efficient way to Roster employees and trap costs to specific Events held.

Figure #16: Event Setup

Note: The Event Code pertains directly to General Ledger.

Note: Events can also be configured to carry a standard number of time and attendance for employees to satisfy the requirements of the Event. This setup is required for clients utilising the Demand Builder Utility. More information on the Demand Builder Utility and Event Parameters is available within ‘1.9.7 Inzenius Demand Builder Utility Manual’.


Positions can be setup as a useful way for managers to inform their employees of the Position they will be undertaking during a shift.

Figure #17: Positions Setup

Note: Positions that are bolded have employees attached to them. To view a list of these employees, select the “View Employees” button.


Tasks can be setup as a way to further inform an employee the specific jobs they will be undertaking on their shift, as this could differ for each person working the same Position.

Figure #18: Task Details

Note: As Tasks are not utilised for filtering or costing purposes, it is not required that they appear within a hierarchy.


Qualifications can be setup to keep record of the certification’s employees have obtained. They are also utilised as a convenient way to filter within the Roster screen when creating a new shift that a certain qualification is required for.

Figure #19: Qualification Details


Assets can be setup to keep record of items that have been given to employees at the commencement of their employment. It assists Users when terminating an employee, so they are aware of what the employee is required to return to the company.

Figure #20: Asset Details


Employee Files contain all employee information required for Rostering and Pay Run processing in Inzenius.


Figure #21: Employee File Details

Personal Details

The ‘Personal Details’ tab contains personal information on the employee, such as Address, Telephone, Next of Kin, and Visa information.


Figure #22: Employee File ‘Address’ (‘Personal Details’ Tab)


Figure #23: Employee File ‘Telephone’ (‘Personal Details’ Tab)

Next of Kin

Figure #24: Employee File ‘Next of Kin’ (‘Personal Details’ Tab)

Working Rights

Figure #25: Employee File ‘Working Rights’ (‘Personal Details’ Tab)

Note: More information on how to utilise the Visa functionality is available within ‘1.9.7 Inzenius Visa Employees Manual’ and ‘1.9.7 Inzenius Visa Hours Import Utility Manual’.


The ‘Payroll’ tab is where Entities are assigned to the employee, including Default Grade, Employment Type, Secondary Employee File as well as Default and Secondary Positions, Locations, and Cost Centres.

Figure #26: Employee File ‘Payroll’ Tab

Default Entities (Grade, Position, Location, and Cost Centre) are required for all Employee Files. Bolded Entities are “Default” Entities, all other Entities flagged are considered “Secondary”. Employees flagged for multiple Entities will have these Entities available to them in the Roster screen.

Note: Base Rate of Pay can be overridden at the employee level if the employee is paid at a higher rate than that of the assigned Default Grade (Award/EBA), or if the employee is Salaried. Once an override amount for an employee has been entered, a red message on the payroll tab will read to note the Rate of Pay has been altered.

Note: Full functionality of the Secondary Employee File for the BOOT comparison has not yet been implemented. Currently a Secondary Employee File can be assigned, the Secondary Employee File must be assigned a different Grade Type (Salary/Permanent/Casual). Further functionality will be implemented in a future release.

Entity Assignment

The Position, Location and Cost Centre Entities are all assigned to an employee file in the same way:

  1. Select the “…” button, to the right of the Entity (Position, Location or Cost Centre) you wish to edit the assignments for.
    A new window will open, listing all the available options for that Entity.
  2. To select all Child Branches when a Parent Branch is selected, first tick the “Tick Child Nodes with Parent” box.
  3. Select (or deselect as needed) all the options for that Entity that you wish to assign to the Employee File.
  4. To make any ONE option the Employees’s “Default” for that Entity, highlight that option and click the “Mark Selected as Default” button.
  5. When all required options are selected, Click “OK” and save the Employee File.

Grade Change Feature

The Next Grade Feature provides the ability to specify the next Grade from Level 1 – 5, as well as the dates the Grades will be applied on. Furthermore, the functionality to update future rosters once a Grade change has occurred is automated.

Figure #27: Employee File, Next Grade Details screen

Note: Only Rosters with the Employee’s Default Grade will be altered. If Grade changes have occurred when Rostering (employee paid at a different rate), they will not be updated.


The ‘Availability’ tab contains all configuration relevant to the employee’s work time. This includes standard days of working, standard days off, public holidays applicable, as well as recurring unavailability days, which are then used in conjunction with the Rostering functionality. These fields will be automatically populated once a Grade is assigned to the employee, however alterations can be made on at any time.

Standard Work Time

Employee Standard Work Times serve a few different purposes. For Salaried employees the “Normal” Work Times listed are used during Pay Run Calculations to generate Hourly Rates.

For all Employee types the “Normal” Work Times are used when Rostering “By Standard Work Hours” (see Rostering By Employee). These can also be viewed in the Roster Viewing Pane (see Rostering – Employee Work Time Details).

Standard Work Times are also utlised in various Payroll Rules – see Not Rostered Penalty Rule, Over Rostered Penalty Rule, Under Rostered Penalty Rule. It is also used for Standard Hours Leave calculations. The Standard Hours are inherited from the Employee’s Grade, but can be overwritten on the Employee File.

Figure #28: Employee File ‘Standard Work Time’ (‘Availability’ Tab)

Standard Days Off

Standard Days off can be viewed in the Roster Viewing Pane (see Rostering – Employee Work Time Details).

Figure #29: Employee File ‘Standard Days Off’ (‘Availability’ Tab)


Unavailability can be viewed in the Roster Viewing Pane (see Rostering – Employee Work Time Details).

Figure #30: Employee File ‘Unavailability’ (‘Availability’ Tab)


Availability can be viewed in the Roster Viewing Pane (see Rostering – Employee Work Time Details).

Figure #31: Employee File ‘Availability’ (‘Availability’ Tab)


Holidays can be viewed in the Roster Viewing Pane (see Rostering – Employee Work Time Details).

Figure #32: Employee File ‘Holidays’ (‘Availability’ Tab)


Bank Account

Figure #33: Employee File ‘Bank Account’ (‘Banking’ Tab)

Note: Multiple Bank Accounts can be configured. The top-most account is defined as the default account, and will receive all wages not allocated to secondary accounts.

A new EFT Reference Field has been added to the Add/Edit Account Details window in the ‘Banking’ Tab. This can be utilised if the Employee’s EFT File requires specific data generated in order to pay amounts owed to government agencies, garnished through their regular wages (e.g. Centrelink). This field will flow through to both EFT and ABA Files for successful payment

Figure #34: EFT Reference Field (‘Banking’ Tab)

Retirement Fund

Figure #35: Employee File ‘Retirement Fund’ (‘Banking’ Tab)

Note: When a Tax Method is assigned to the Retirement Account, any configured Employee Amount Per Pay Run is treated as Employee Additional Contributions (After Tax). When ‘No Tax’ is assigned, the Employee Amount Per Pay Run is treated as Salary Sacrifice (Before Tax). The assigned Tax Method must match the Tax Scale assigned within the ‘Tax’ tab of the Employee File.


Standard Tax

Figure #36: Employee File ‘Standard Tax’ (‘Tax’ Tab)

Note: Once you have entered an employee’s Tax File Number, it is then not displayed in the Employee File unless you are an administrator. You will see the wording “Number supplied”. Tax File Numbers will only ever be visible on the PAYG Payment Summary.

Note: Employees without a Tax Scale will not be included in the Pay Run when executed. A warning message will appear notifying the User of this during execution.

Extra Tax

Figure #37: Employee File ‘Extra Tax’ (‘Tax’ Tab)

Note: The employee’s Grade and pay cycle must be set up before Extra Tax details can be input.

Note: The “Start Date” and “Finish Date” are respective of the Pay Period dates. Therefore, if a Pay Period encompasses either date, it will be activated/discontinued.


Figure #38: Employee File ‘Status’ Tab

Note: Statuses are typically managed from the ‘Status’ tab of the Employee File, however Terminations processed via Final Pays and/or ETP’s can assign the “Terminated” Status directly to the Employee File.


The ‘Leave’ tab allows you to view and edit the Leave Type applicable to the employee as well as review changes (accruals/decruals) made to each Leave Type via the Leave Audit. You also have the option of modifying the rates to be paid for each Leave Type for (e.g.: apply leave loading).

Figure #39: Employee File ‘Leave’ Tab

Note: Leave Types applicable to the employee’s Default Grade will be automatically assigned to an employee when a Grade is assigned.

HR Fields

HR Fields are customisable depending on the configuration set under the “HR Management” Function. The result of these field configurations is visible under the Employee File ‘HR Fields’ tab.

Figure #40: Employee File ‘HR Fields Tab


The ‘Asset’ tab allows you to attach assets to a particular employee. This could be used for keeping a list of items to reacquire, such as mobile phone and laptops, when an employee terminates from your organisation.

Figure #41: Employee File ‘Asset’ Tab


The ‘Services’ tab allows you to attach employees to a specific service the company may offer, such as accommodation etc., for record keeping.

Figure #42: Employee File ‘Services’ Tab

To add a Service to an Employee File:

  1. First enter dates into the “Available Employer Services Filter” and click “Filter”.
  2. Highlight the Service you wish to apply, then click “Check Available”.
  3. Enter Dates into the Availability Filter, then Click “GET”.
  4. Tick the dates you wish to apply the Service to the Employee for, then Click Save.
  5. Close the “Filtered Employer Services” Window.

To view Services applied to an Employee, enter Dates into the “Employee Services Date Filter” and click “Get”.


The ‘Appraisals’ tab allows the HR Manager setup and determine evaluation dates for individual employees.

Figure #43: Employee File ‘Appraisals’ Tab

Note: The Appraisals function is required to be activated in each database prior to utilisation. This requires Inzenius to run patches on all applicable databases. To have these patches applied, or for more information, contact Inzenius Support (

Note: Appraisal types are set up during activation and cannot be managed or edited in the Inzenius system.
More information on using the Appraisals functionality is available at HR Management: Appraisal Management.



Figure #44: Employee File ‘Allowances’ (‘Allowances/Deductions’ Tab)

Note: Allowances assigned to Grades are automatically assigned to relevant Employee Files when the Default Grade has been assigned (‘Payroll’ tab).


Figure #45: Employee File ‘Deductions’ (‘Allowances/Deductions’ Tab)

Note: Deductions assigned to Grades are automatically assigned to relevant Employee Files when the Default Grade has been assigned (‘Payroll’ tab).


The ‘Timekeeping’ tab facilitates a link for employees to timekeeping devices such as swipe cards and the registration of a card reader on line.

Figure #46: Employee File ‘Timekeeping’ Tab


Figure #47: Employee File ‘Qualifications’ Tab


Figure #48: Employee File ‘Documents’ Tab

Note: Attaching multiple large documents may have an effect on performance of the system.

Note: Documents that have been added can be checked out and edited if required. To do this, highlight the Document in the ‘Documents’ tab of the Employee File and select “Edit”. Once in the “Employee Documents” screen, select the “Check Out” button to check out the Document. This will make the “Edit” button available next to the file. Edit the file as required and select the “Check In” button to ensure the Document is checked back in.

Payroll History

Figure #49: Employee File ‘Payroll History’ Tab

Note: Double clicking on any row will open the relevant Payslip.

Note: The ‘AVG Gross’ amount is the average gross of the 12 months up to the current day (Total Gross divided by number of Pay Periods employee has been paid in). It is not recalculated when dates are entered into the ‘Pay Periods ending between’ filter.

Salary Package

The ‘Salary Packaging’ tab is utilised when an employee is linked to a Salaried Grade. This tab will show an employee’s full salary package, including gross dollars paid to the employee, any employer superannuation and any Allowances and Deductions.

Figure #50: Employee File ‘Salary Package’ Tab

Completing Onboarding

Where Employee Onboarding is being utilised, after Approving an Employee’s Onboarding Request (see Onboarding Requests) the Employee will need to set their Employee Portal Password and complete their Onboarding Process (see Employee Onboarding). Once complete, the Employee’s Manager will receive a notification email and will need to:

  1. Complete the Employee File, and update the Employee’s status to Active.
  2. Update the Employee’s “Onboarding” User account Role to “Web Only”. (see User Security section below)

User Security

The Security Section is where a User’s access to the Features, Entities and Employee Files are managed.


Security Roles pre-determine what areas of the system a User (assigned to each Role) can and cannot access. Roles are typically created for ‘Position titles’ of employees that will utilise the system, e.g. HR Manager, Payroll Officer, Scheduler, etc.
Roles are pre-configured within the system during client implementations. However, new Roles may be required to be added ad hoc should company dynamics change.

Figure #51: Role Maintenance screen

Figure #52: Role Maintenance, Employee Tab Permissions

The ‘Tab Permissions’ tab will allow for permissions to be granted for specific tabs available in the Employee Files. This additional security can mean that Rostering staff are able to input Personal Details for a new employee (such as Address and Telephone Number) but may be unable to view sensitive information such as Payroll History and assigned Entities.


Users, used in conjunction with Roles, define further the specific configuration each individual User has the ability to view/utilise.

Figure #53: User Maintenance screen

Tip: A User Name may contain the charcters a-z A-Z 0-9 : , . – and space. Ensure you enter the Username exactly including any of these charcters or spaces when logging in.

Cost Centre Tab

The ‘Cost Centre’ tab allows you to flag Cost Centres that the particular User is authorised to have access to.

Figure #54: User Maintenance, Cost Centre Selection screen

Tip: Flag ‘Tick Child Nodes with Parent’ to select all Child Cost Centres as well as the Parent.

Figure #55: User Maintenance, Cost Centre tab with selection

Location Tab

The ‘Location’ tab allows you to flag Locations that the particular User is authorised to have access to.

Figure #56: User Maintenance, Location Selection screen

Tip: Flag ‘Tick Child Nodes with Parent’ to select all Child Locations as well as the Parent.

Figure #57: User Maintenance, Location tab with selection

Grade Tab

The ‘Grade’ tab allows you to flag grades that the particular user is authorised to have access to.

Figure #58: User Maintenance, Grade Selection screen

Tip: Flag ‘Tick Child Nodes with Parent’ to select all Child Grades as well as the Parent.

Figure #59: User Maintenance, Grade tab with selection

Employee Tab

The ‘Employee’ tab allows you to protect sensitive employee data from particular Users. Restricting employees will not let the User have any visual access to the Employee File or allow the employees costs to be included any Costing Reports.

Figure #60: User Maintenance, Employee tab

Set Pwd Tab

The ‘Set Pwd’ tab allows you to create a password for a particular User that will be utilised when accessing the system. The password must be at least six characters in length and contain at least one numeric character.

Figure #61: User Maintenance, Set Password tab

To set or reset the password for a User, enter the new password (making note of what it is as there is no ‘lost password’ function within the system).

User Admin Tab

The ‘User Admin’ tab will depict the Status History for the User.
A User can be Terminated and Suspended from this tab, ensuring they are no longer able to access the system.

Figure #62: User Maintenance, User Admin tab Suspend and Terminate

To Terminate a User, click the Terminate button without entering an “Effective to” Date, then click “Save”. Inzenius will add an Effective To date to the last Status and add a new Terminated Status. The Terminated Status should not have an Effective To Date.

Figure #63: User Maintenance, User Admin tab Reinstate

To Reinstate a User, click the Reinstate button without entering an “Effective to” Date, then click “Save”. Inzenius will add an Effective To date to the Terminated Status and add a new Active Status. The new Active Status should not have an Effective To Date.

Copy User

By right clicking on a User you wish to copy, selecting “Copy Users” will create a copy of the selected User.

Figure #64: User File: Right-Click Menu

Before other settings are altered, it is required the User Name, First Name, Last Name, and Employee Name are altered to reflect the new User’s details.
Once the general settings have been altered accordingly, the ‘Role’, ‘Cost Centre’, ‘Location’, ‘Grade’, and ‘Employee’ tabs can be reviewed and changed if required.
As the User will require a unique password for accessing the system, the password should be altered also, adhering to the length and numeric guideline.