Why It’s Smart to Reduce Dependence on Your Software System Superstars

Big ERP and payroll systems often depend on their expert consultants’ availability to undertake the simplest through to complex tasks to maintain the capability and currency of the system for the business. These experts are not always available and can be expensive to engage.

We have seen this in our recent replacement of such software where, due to complexity, time and cost, the client quit trying to fund the workers required and whose Inzenius out-of-the-box system as its replacement.

Rather than years of effort to complete the ERP rostering to a payroll project, Inzenius delivered the configured system in less than 2 months at a small margin of the costs to complete the already heavily funded ERP system project.  

Inzenius’ out-of-the-box and all-in-one Rostering, Timekeeping, Award Interpretation and Payroll system has been designed to enable the simplified conformity to set-up, new rules and processes as required without the need for expert software developers with deep knowledge of the system experience held in their head.

Inzenius web-based configuration system tasks the consultant through the out-of-the-box set-by-step implementation process to a fully go live-ready system. Inzenius backs up the business and consultants with expertise where required.

All of the above ensures an efficient, low-risk pathway from initial engagement to post-go-live projects supported by ongoing system support services to meet the customer’s needs. #ThatsInzenius #Payroll

Article Published by Rick PorterSAP IT automation software specialist on the simplest ERP tasks.

Last week, I presented an overview of an automation solution to several senior people responsible for managing SAP at a large utility. They liked what they saw, but then they told me about several on their internal team.

These team members had been around a long time and were managing the same situation in good time with few errors without automation, and perhaps automation wasn’t needed.

And yes, I get it.

Highly skilled, very experienced, human hands are a God send in a critical SAP operational environment. They are the team ‘superstars’ and can be relied on.

But the question is, is this a good reason to avoid automation?

SAP operations automation

We must understand why SAP teams automate SAP operational activities to best answer the question.  Although there can be many reasons, they tend to boil down to just three.

Speed: The activities are completed much quicker

Consistency: The results are always consistent

Risk mitigation: Reliance on skilled resources is significantly reduced.

Although a typical outcome, cost reduction is seldom a main reason for automating


Even if your team is blessed to enjoy the expertise of several superstars, they are valuable people across a range of activities. Unfortunately, multitasking isn’t an option and so some activities have to wait.

As a result, crucial tasks like system refreshes often get sidelined. They consume too much time, and the timing is never ideal.

Automation speeds things along, freeing up superstar time.


Superstars have a process they follow. One that is tried and tested and helps produce a reliable outcome. However, everyone is human, mistakes are made. It can be difficult to achieve consistent outcomes. Then there are human limitations.

SAP operations are intricate and multifaceted. Routine activities such as SAP license reporting, managing user roles and authorizations, or conducting SAP vulnerability analysis depend on experts in SAP.

Automation performs superstar tasks consistently the same way every time missing nothing out.

Risk mitigation

Although buses are everywhere and we cross the road often, getting run over by one is rare. However, this is only one reason your superstar might not be available next time your SAP License audit or system refresh rolls around.

They might have moved on to another role, retired, fallen ill, or just be too busy on other priorities. Either way, if the task outcome has relied on their expertise, a quality speedy outcome might be a challenge.

Automation stores superstar knowledge to ensure a quality and speedy outcome, with or without them.

SAP operational superstars or automation?

SAP operational superstars are invaluable. Their expertise and reliability ensure that critical SAP operational tasks are handled effectively.

However, relying solely on them may not be a good idea.

Their availability can be limited. They are human, errors can happen. Dependency on individuals creates vulnerabilities.

Automation, on the other hand, delivers speed and consistency and reduces risk. Tasks are completed faster and without errors.

Quality outcomes are assured even when superstars are unavailable. It also frees up your superstars for more strategic work.

The best approach – a combination.