When deciding on a payroll system, ensure that all the requirements, from Rostering to final pay processing, are in one system.

Payroll systems involve having a comprehensive automated Award Interpreter that can be accessed directly from the approved timesheets. The last 20% of payroll processing creates 80% of the work.

Inzenius is the best-automated award interpreter in Australian and New Zealand businesses, reducing payroll team time with its all-in-one system that includes:

  1. HRM onboarding interface, and
  2. Rostering, and
  3. Leave management, and
  4. Timekeeping, and
  5. Timesheet, and
  6. Automated award interpretation and
  7. Payroll

The Inzenius patented workflow, with its comprehensive and configurable award interpreter, handles without manual off-system calculations and data entry the demanding local requirements, including:

  1. A number of rosters building options, including:
    1. Template creation copy with employees and paste to current roster period
      1. Filtering out employees no longer available for the days
      2. For the rosterer to modify employees and times.
  • Filtering out employees on an approved leave date and selecting presented options for replacement.
  1. Demand built roster(s), with available or without employees to date range selected based on event type, date range, unit production or service numbers, location
    1. For publication to employees for their acceptance of or
    2. For publication to employees for bid for, or
  • For the roster to select from available and approved to work in the roster, employees
  1. Unfiled roster creation
    1. For the rosterer to add the days and times required for each shift and
    2. For publication to employees for their acceptance of or
  • For publication to employees for bid for, or
  1. For the rosterer to select from available and approved to work in the roster the selected employees employees.
  2. All engagements and shifts can be tagged with different work locations, cost centres, positions, events, and tasks, and even be paid at different rates. 
  1. Engagement job selector tag with jobs in the shift, with
    1. The ability to select multiple jobs for each shift or  engagement
      1. For productivity analysis of planned to actual times and
      2. Time billing export for a client job of a fixed  $ amount.
    2. Actual time taken and measured against budgeted time for the task(s)
  2. Multi-shift engagements
    1. That enables costing and interpretation of more than one employee engagement in each shift with
      1. There are different work locations, cost centres, positions, events, tasks, and even rates of pay. 
    2. Multi-hire engagements in which the employee is paid for different roles and awards without the engagement being linked to the previous engagement for overtime payments.
    3. Multi-pay period averaging of overtime automation.
      1. Overtime is banked for automated payment, wherein excess of the defined number of hours over the period is exceeded.
    4. Leave can be accrued by a number of criteria coefficients over time.
      1. Leave by selected worked times, Ordinary Hours worked, or
      2. Leave by selected worked times, Employee Standard Hours, or
      3. Leave by pay periods, Employee Standard Hours, or
      4. The time period in advance time passed duration, and
      5. As an initial allotment and regular times passed for each allocation and
      6. To a maximum for each period, and
      7. Minimum time before each location
      8. Specific additional allocation if worked more than a defined number of day types in a period and
      9. Banked leave as a ratio of standard hours worked, or
      10. Written into grade rules where additional leave accruals can be applied, where
        1. If they worked on a specific day, they accrue additional leave like PH, orr
        2. No working on a PH, and
  • Other day types like the employee chosen PH days
  1. Manual pay adjustments.
  1. Timekeeping alignment against roster for timesheet creation, with
    1. Dynamic presentation of timekeeping entries along the roster to the supervisor
      1. Highlighting no- attendance or variance to planned attendance.
    2. Timesheet creation automation, with
      1. Matched times between roster and timekeeping within a defined tolerance, automated group timesheet approval, and
      2. Any variance to the roster from the timekeeping record is filtered and presented to the supervisor for selection and approvals.
      3. Automated publication to employee’s device of the approved shift times for their acceptance

Once the timesheet has been authorised by the manager, the payroll process can be as simple as

  1. Run analysis of missing timesheets and employee data required for payroll processing, then,
  2. Execute
    1. Review the pending payroll to be ready for the next level sign-off.
    2. Commit pay run
      1. For the production of the required exports or files.
    3. Process the exports and
    4. Process STP
  3. The system will facilitate the application of client-specific payroll rules that include
    1. Apply a multiple rate for specific worked days of the week and
    2. Apply a time worked multiple for specific times of each day type and
    3. Shift break penalties after a specified time until a min break time is taken, and
    4. Break between shifts loading capped to until duration of the shift break time has passed, and
    5. Combining of shift rules where duplicate shift loading times have crossed midnight and have co-joined min and max times loading to apply
    6. Where a business has modified midnight for the purpose of day rates to apply and
    7. Outer boundary overtime penalties and
    8. Outer boundary no-standard hours penalties 
    9. Call back penalties and
    10. Any rule required by the business.
  4. Leave balance adjustments are automated at , either
    1. Timesheet approved at employee ordinary days and hours, or
    2. Leave by pay periods, Employee Standard Hours, or
    3. Manual Leave Adjustments.
    4. Payroll-ready interpreting pays at
      1. Engagement and shift level, then
      2. Multi-period time elapsed level
      3. Employee level per pay run variations to standard, and
      4. They’re personal,
        1. allowances,
        2. deductions caped and payable to various accounts, including
          1. Salary packaging arrangements.
          2. tax and superannuation,
  1. Employee standard level – for auto-pay salaries, with
    1. BOOT comparison to award capabilities secondary pay run
      1. For pay-by-pay identification of underpayment for pay adjustments
    2. Automated final pay processing, including
      1. Up to approved termination time paydays
      2. Any selected leave pays out
  • On-day processing in advance
  1. Pay adjusts to the next pay run with
    1. The ability to create a back pay adjustment to be added to the next pay or
    2. As a manual pay run for immediate processing.
  2. To make previous pay adjustments and variations that
    1. Will create the adjustment transactions for the manual pay run,
    2. And create the records of the adjustment in the current period for reporting.